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在當下高度發達的全球化時代中,城市的主體作用越來越不可忽視。而如何煥發城市永續的生命力也相應越來越受到城市建設者及市民們的關注。一個健康的城市既要考量經濟發展,又要兼顧社會均衡;既要建構與時俱進的現代性,同時也要尊重城市的歷史情懷。面對城市發展與文化遺產的二元關係,並非只存在傳統與現代性的取捨問題,更應當思考如何結合固有的文化遺產,與時代接軌從而發展出新型的城市面向。 基於這樣的思考,在面對城市的更新浪潮時,必須注意到文化遺產在城市主體設計中的影響,儘可能地對其進行有效的保護與再利用,使其能夠適應當下的城市發展節奏,同時為城市文化建設添光加彩。近年來文化和創意產業的興起在一定程度上為城市文化遺產找到了一個可利用的現實出口,將歷史情懷融於現代文創空間之中證明了城市文化遺產可以有非常豐富的時代表達。本文的研究主體,即在於以兩岸城市發展中的文化遺產為考察切入點,以臺北與上海這兩座城市為考察立足點,結合既往研究背景與成果,從歷史保存取向、文創產業取向以及旅遊觀光取向這三個角度的類型概念出發,深入剖析兩岸在歷史文化遺產與現代城市發展結合中的實際案例,通過實地調研的方式,展開歷史背景、文化政策、設計手法、實踐情形與後續問題等方面的多元論述,并結合各自的社會環境探討城市文化與個性,尋求文化遺產在兩岸城市發展中的特色與經驗交流,總結可被繼承的優越性以及需要規避的侷限性,進而為兩岸其他城市在全球化和城市永續發展進程中如何更為有效地保護和再利用固有文化遺產提供一定意義上的參考價值。
In the current environment of rapid globalization development, the city as the most conscious unit of the world is playing an increasingly important role that can not be replaced. The issue of “How to develop sustainably to continue the vitality of cities” has concerned by city builders and citizens in recent years. It is critically important for a healthy city to consider both aspects that the economic development and social balance. On the other hand, city history respect should be put the same weight as its developping pace with the times. In stead of to consider only choose one from tradition and modenity when we facing the future development of the cultural heritages, it will be a wiser decision to combine existent traditional culture heritage with new trendency of modern city. Based on this point, the impact of the cultural heritage in the city design should be taken into consideration when cities facing repalcement. In order to make culture heritage adapt to current city deveopment, the disigners should devote their efforts to protect cultural heritages and reuse them. The solution may bring some more beauty to the city. In recent years, the rise of cultural and creative industries, to a certain extent, have met the needs of the city for cultural heritage protection and reuse. Combine history with modern culture and creative cultural industries indicates that there are many expressions for city cultural connotation. The main research subjects in this paper are two cities, Taipei and Shanghai. Based on the results of previous studies, the purpose of this study is to analyze actual practice of Taipei and Shanghai when they combine history heritages with modern city development. There are three angles will be applied in analysis, which including historic preservation orientation, cultual and creative industries orientation and tourism industry orientation. In order to promote communication about city historical heritage protection and reuse between Taiwan and the main land of China, this study will discuss topics including history background, cultural policy, design methord, practice situation and so forth by field research.



遺產經濟, 文化創意產業, 城市文化, 旅遊觀光, 城市永續發展, Heritage Economy, Cultural and Creative Industry, City Culture, Tourism, City Sustainable Development





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