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本研究透過吸引力法則結合相關正向心理學理論,發展並執行團體輔導方案,以了解執行成果與研究參與者在自我概念中四個構念上產生的影響。 本研究以行動研究來進行,以七位國中生為研究參與者,在三個月期間實施十八次團體輔導。研究工具包含:研究者省思札記、研究參與者晤談紀錄、諍友討論紀錄、自編自我概念量表等。歸納本研究結論如下: 一、結合正向心理學的吸引力法則團體輔導方案執行成果 以吸引力法則三步驟:問求、宇宙給出回應、接收與放下,所發展出的八大具體活動,實踐成果如下: 「內觀呼吸與分享」能協助接觸自身情緒與思維、沉澱自己,更清楚自身的狀態;「感謝點心」能養成對人對物感恩的正向習慣,更珍視每個食物,並學習感謝;「肯定他人」能培養讚美與感謝他人的習慣也能促進團體和諧;「吸引力法則定義與內涵」能更全面了解吸引力法則概念並在生活中實際應用,能提供更合適的心想事成策略;「日常紀錄與檢核」能檢視自身行為是否符合吸引力法則並做相關修正;「放下三問句」能練習面對自身情緒並學習接受與放下;「訂定目標」能給予一個明確方向去努力並提供一個檢核吸引力法則是否奏效的依據;「成員集氣」能提供支持接納的氛圍,鼓舞成員去面對與處理挫折。 二、結合正向心理學的吸引力法則團體輔導方案能對自我概念產生正向影響 對照團體實施前、後的自我概念量表結果,「生理我」、「心理我」、「人際我」與「學業我」四個構面總分均達顯著差異,於細項上「生理我」有兩個題目達顯著,顯示研究參與者可以更加看見自身外型的優勢,不喜歡自己的程度也有顯著降低;「心理我」有四個題目達顯著,顯示研究參與者更能看見自身價值、能力、魅力,也較能肯定自己;「人際我」沒有題目達顯著,但從研究參與者的日常待人接物、表達與訪談中得知成員在人際相處的狀態上雖沒有產生顯著差異,但卻不再因此有太多的情緒困擾;「學業我」有一個題目達顯著,顯示研究參與者更願意去面對學業上遇到的困難,取代原先一味逃避學業挑戰的態度或習慣。 依據上述研究結論,提出結合正向心理學的吸引力法則團體輔導方案影響國中生自我概念的具體建議。
This study aimed to combine Law of Attraction with the related theories of positive psychology to develop and conduct the group guidance program, and understood their influence on participants’ four self-concepts: physiological-self, psychological-self, social-self and school-self. This study applied action research method, seven students participated in a 3-month 18-session group guidance program. The research method and material included author’s reflection of group guidance program, students’ interview content suggestions from critical peers, the self-concept scale form, and related materials. The following research findings were obtained: I.There were eight activities developed from the three steps of Law of Attraction: ask, the response of universe, receive and letting go. The results were as following: The activity of Vipassana breathing could help students calm down and realize their true moods and thinking. The activity of thanks for the snacks could let students cherish food and be used to express thanks to others. The activity of praising others could let students willing to applause others and made the group more friendly. The activity of knowing Law of Attraction could understand this concept and apply to life. The activity of daily recording and check could let students’ speaking and behavior match Law of Attraction. The activity of three questions of letting go could learn to face the true emotion and accept it. The activity of goal setting could enhance students to take action. The activity of cheer could provide peer support and make students face and deal the challenge. II.The group guidance program of Law of Attraction could enhance the formation of self-concept. The self-concept of physiological-self, psychological-self and school-self were better than the previous self-concept scale. The students could value their body, ability, attractiveness and willing to strive for their studies. On the basis of the research finding, specific recommendations on applying Law of Attraction in group guidance program of self-concept were proposed for educators and future studies.



正向心理學, 吸引力法則, 團體輔導, 國中生, 自我概念, Positive Psychology, Law of Attraction, Group Guidance Program, Junior High School Student, Self-Concept





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