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本研究旨在探討跆拳道競賽副審裁判員給分差異之研究。研究對象以「98年全國大專院校運動會」的跆拳道公開組比賽,男、女各八量級之副審按分紀錄統計數據。研究方法:次數分配、平均數、卡方考驗及二因子變異數分析,統計以SPSS 19.0版進行統計分析。研究結果:攻擊部位自變項有達到顯著水準(p<.05),按分人數自變項也有顯著的效果(p<.05)。攻擊部位與按分人數的交互作用項達顯著水準(p<.01),攻擊部位中端的按分次數佔總按分次數的95%,上端的按分次數佔總按分次數的5%;以攻擊部位單獨計算,可以得知中端攻擊部位的得分率為44.5%,上端攻擊為79.2%。本研究結論為:跆拳道競賽副審們給分明顯會受攻擊部位的影響,有給分誤差的問題存在;雖然現在跆拳道競賽使用電子護具來避免副審們對中端攻擊的評分誤差,但上端攻擊仍由副審們評斷,由其是上端攻擊得分數改為一次三分的情況下,對比數影響力大的上端攻擊仍挑戰副審們的評分標準。
This study was aimed at the difference of scored with judges. The objects of this study were the judges scored records of all types Taekwondo Open in “2009 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games.”The method:To use the frequency distribution、mean、chi-square test and two-way analysis of variance (SPSS 19.0) analysis the data. The result were:independent variable of attacked positions (position) was significant (p<.05). Independent variable of scored people was significant (p<.05). Interaction effects of position × referee was gotten the level of significance (p<.01). There were 95% on mid-section and only 5% on top-section in the attacked positions of times. For each attacked position of scoring rate, there were 44.5% on mid-section and 79.2% on top-section in the competition. The conclusion were:It is obvious that attacked positions influenced judges to score in this taekwondo game. Even though we use the electronic protectors to avoid the difference of scored mid-section with judges in taekwondo games now, but the attacked position of top-section is still scored by judges. In the situation, the scores of top-section was changed to three points one time, the attacked position of top-section which has great inference of sores still challenges the scored with judges.



跆拳道, 給分差異, 攻擊部位, Taekwondo, Difference of scored, Attacked position





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