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心評教師是執行鑑定安置工作的主要角色,每位心評教師在執行鑑定安置中會遇到不同的困境與挑戰,因應與處理時,除了仰賴專業能力的表現外,心評教師的個人特質亦是重要的影響因素。本研究旨在瞭解新北市心評教師人格特質與鑑定專業表現之關係,探討不同背景變項的心評教師在人格特質與鑑定專業表現的差異情形,採用問卷調查法,以新北市國民教育階段的心評教師為研究對象,研究參與對象共351人。 研究結果如下: 一、心評教師在人格特質方面有開放性、謹慎性、外向性、友善性四類,其中以「謹慎性」最明顯、「友善性」次之。 二、心評教師鑑定專業方面以「綜合研判能力」的表現具備程度最高。 三、心評教師在「開放性」人格特質方面以不同「任教班型」與「心評教師層級層級」有顯著的差異性。 四、心評教師在「鑑定法規知能」方面以不同「心評工作年資」和「心評教師層級」有顯著的差異性。 五、心評教師人格特質與鑑定專業表現呈現正相關。 六、心評教師各向度人格特質對鑑定專業表現具備解釋預測力。 根據本研究結果,分別針對教育主管機關、心評教師與未來研究者提出具體建議,提供後續研究之參考。
Assessment specialists is the main role in the process of diagnosis and placement of special education students. Each assessment specialist will encounter different difficulties and challenges. In addition to professional performance, personality traits of assessment specialists are also important factors in the process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and professional performance of assessment specialists in New Taipei City, to compare the differences in personality traits and professional performance with different backgrounds of assessment specialists. The questionnaire survey was adopted as the manner of conducting this study. The participants were 351 assessment specialists in New Taipei City. The results of the study were as following: 1.The four personality traits of assessment specialists are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. The most significant personality traits is conscientiousness, and the second one is agreeableness. 2.The information integration and suggestion showed the highest level on professional performance of assessment specialists. 3.“Openness” personality traits of assessment specialists demonstrated significant difference by the type of special education classes and the seniority of assessment specialists. 4.Professional law-performance of assessment specialists demonstrated significant difference by seniority and the level of assessment specialists. 5.The result showed positive correlation between personality traits and professional performance of assessment specialists. 6.The result showed that all dimensions of personality traits of assessment specialists did have explanatory prediction to professional performance. Based on the above conclusions, some suggestions were applied to the education authorities, assessment specialists and future studies.



人格特質, 鑑定專業表現, 心評教師, 鑑定, 安置, personality traits, professional performance, assessment specialists, diagnosis, placement





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