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本研究旨在探討國中資優生校園霸凌之現況及其在性別、年級上的差異情形。本研究以臺北市246名國中資優資源班學生為研究對象,並以自編的「國中資優生校園欺凌經驗調查問卷」為研究工具,蒐集之資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本變異數分析進行統計分析。茲將研究發現歸納如下: (1)國中資優生從幼稚園到八年級期間,曾遭到同儕霸凌者約占四成六。其中曾遭同儕霸凌的女生約占四成八,男生約佔四成五。 (2)國中資優生所經驗的十五種霸凌行為中百分比最高的前五項依次是:遭同學惡意取笑、同學用髒話辱罵、同學取不喜歡的綽號、被其他同學排擠孤立、故意推撞。 (3)國中資優生校園霸凌經驗大致呈現隨著年級漸增,次數亦逐步提高的趨勢;高峰則出現在七年級,八年級次之,六年級又次之。 (4)國中資優生在不同霸凌行為方式所知覺之困擾程度,從高到低前五項依次是:遭同學惡意取笑、遭同學取不喜歡的綽號、遭同學孤立排擠、遭同學用髒話辱罵、遭徒手毆打。 (5)不同霸凌類型感受困擾程度的平均數差異達顯著水準,由高至低依次是:關係霸凌、言語霸凌、肢體霸凌、性霸凌、涉及犯罪之霸凌。事後比較,除「關係霸凌」與「言語霸凌」之間無顯著差異外,其餘霸凌類型之間均達顯著差異。 (6)比較國中資優生在五種霸凌類別所知覺的困擾程度,判斷屬於校園霸凌者均顯著高於判斷非屬於校園霸凌者。 (7)國中資優生判斷不算是校園霸凌的理由大致有:屬於開玩笑性質、屬於偶發事件、傷害程度尚可接受、行為人無傷害意圖、當事人仍能自我防衛或反擊、視為常態性發展或人性的一部分。 (8)國中資優生判斷可界定為校園霸凌的理由大致有:被害人感覺苦惱或不舒服、該行為針對同一對象且重複發生、程度超越人我互動的界線、行為者的傷害意圖或實際造成的傷害效應。
The purpose of this survey was to investigate the bullying prevalence of the gifted students in junior high schools. Gifted eighth graders (N=246) in Taipei city participated in this retrospective study, which explored the prevalence of being bullied and being a bully during nine school years. Data were collected by a self-developed questionnaire and were analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0, applying descriptive statistics analysis, independent sample t-test, One-Way ANOVA. The findings were as the following: 1.Prevalence of being bullied at some time dring nine school years (K-8) was 46.7%, among which 48.7% was female, and 45.0% was male. 2.The top five most prevalent kind of bullying were as the following in descending order: (1) being made fun of, (2) being called names, (3) being called unacceptable nicknames, (4) being socially excluded, (5) being pushed or shoved around. 3.28.1% seventh graders had experienced at least one kind of bullyinig with the frequency higher than once a week,which was the most prevalent grade, following by 24.4% eighth graders and 22.4% sixth graders. There were significant differences among the prevalence of five types of bullying in different grades. The prevalence ascended as the grade added on, and usually peaks at six to eight grades. 4.The top five worst impact of being bullied were as the following in descending order: (1) being made fun of, (2) being called unacceptable nicknames, (3) being socially excluded, (4) being called names, (5) being hit. 5.There were significant differences among the psychological impact of being bullying. Among the five type of bullying, Relational Bullying bothered the gifted students most, followed by Verbal Bullying, Physical Bullying, Sexual Bullying, and Criminal Bullying. 6.There were significant differences between the impact of those incidencs being categorized as school bullying and those not being defined as though. 7.While the incidence not being defined as school bullying, the rationales utilized by the gifted junior high school students were as the following: (1) They were just kidding. (2) It was accidental, not intentional. (3) The harm was minimal and acceptable. (4) The perpetrator didn’t mean it. (5) The victim still can fight back or defend him/herself. (6) Bullying was developmentally normal or part of human nature. 8.While the incidence being categorized as school bullying, the rationales applied by the gifted junior high school students were one of the following: (1) The victim was harmed or upset. (2) It targeted repeatedly at the same person. (3) It transgress normal human interaction or boundaries. (4) The perpertrator meant it or caused substancial harm.



國中資優生, 校園霸凌, gifted students in the junior high school, school bullying





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