樂信‧瓦旦在不同政權下的角色轉換 ── 一個生命史的考察研究
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樂信.瓦旦(Losin Watan),日文名「日野三郎」、「渡井三郎」,戰後改漢名為「林瑞昌」,為本文主要研究對象。本文從生命史的角度切入,旨在探究樂信.瓦旦在不同政權下的角色轉換。值得注意的是,樂信.瓦旦在日本殖民政權與戰後國民黨政權皆擔任公職,積極與政府合作;然而,這樣的合作與轉換角色的同時,是否意味著認同的轉換?為本文欲處理的課題。
This thesis aims to research the life history of Losin Watan. The study examines how he changes his role under different regimes. Losin Watan served as a public official and had close cooperation with the government in both the Japanese colonial period and post-war KMT ruling period. However, does such cooperation and role transformation mean a change in identity? This would be the topic to be addressed in this article. This article elaborates the tribe history, family background, education, occupation, advice to the government, opinions and efforts on the status of ethnic groups of Losin Watan. All of these factors affect the decision of Losin Watan and the development of his life. Then, the article discusses the political case about the process how Losin Watan was involved in, the situation of his family afterwards, and the rehabilitation and memorial of him. There are three reasons why Losin Watan cooperates with the two regimes: First, Losin Watan believed that as a leader, the destiny of the ethnic group is strongly intertwined with him. Losin’s father once exchanged Losin as a hostage for the state of living of the tribes, and Losin was also influenced by his father. Secondly, cooperating with the Japanese government enables his people to have a "civilized and progressive" life, thus Losin Watan understands the power of the government. That’s why he held a positive attitude to cooperate with the new regime. Thirdly, after the war, aboriginal elites were successively appointed as local public officials. I speculate that, for Losin Watan, it means the promotion of aboriginal status. Overall, I believe that Losin Watan only strategically cooperates with the two regimes. His main ideology is to pursue a better life for the indigenous people making use of the power of government.
This thesis aims to research the life history of Losin Watan. The study examines how he changes his role under different regimes. Losin Watan served as a public official and had close cooperation with the government in both the Japanese colonial period and post-war KMT ruling period. However, does such cooperation and role transformation mean a change in identity? This would be the topic to be addressed in this article. This article elaborates the tribe history, family background, education, occupation, advice to the government, opinions and efforts on the status of ethnic groups of Losin Watan. All of these factors affect the decision of Losin Watan and the development of his life. Then, the article discusses the political case about the process how Losin Watan was involved in, the situation of his family afterwards, and the rehabilitation and memorial of him. There are three reasons why Losin Watan cooperates with the two regimes: First, Losin Watan believed that as a leader, the destiny of the ethnic group is strongly intertwined with him. Losin’s father once exchanged Losin as a hostage for the state of living of the tribes, and Losin was also influenced by his father. Secondly, cooperating with the Japanese government enables his people to have a "civilized and progressive" life, thus Losin Watan understands the power of the government. That’s why he held a positive attitude to cooperate with the new regime. Thirdly, after the war, aboriginal elites were successively appointed as local public officials. I speculate that, for Losin Watan, it means the promotion of aboriginal status. Overall, I believe that Losin Watan only strategically cooperates with the two regimes. His main ideology is to pursue a better life for the indigenous people making use of the power of government.
樂信.瓦旦, 林瑞昌, 日野三郎, 渡井三郎, 生命史, 原住民, 白色恐怖, Losin Watan, Lin, Jui-chang, Hino Saburo, Watai Saburo, ife history, aboriginal people, the White Terror