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新冠肺炎,這場世紀瘟疫自 2019 年底出現以來迅速蔓延至全球,許多國家被打個措手不及,短短兩個多月造成全球確診病例破萬,截至 2023 年 5 月,全球染疫人數已累積達六億多,是本世紀前所未見的疾速傳播。在各國紛紛淪陷之時,幾個亞洲國家卻成為抗疫成功之領跑人,其中又以新加坡與臺灣的防疫表現備受國際稱讚。然新加坡與臺灣在從清零走向與病毒共存的道路上卻呈現出截然不同的選擇,前者雖一度因其移工宿舍群爆發感染使防疫出現漏洞,但在掌握傳染病防治的公共治理模式「防疫金三角」,並將其應用於該國之新冠疫苗政策中,成功重建和強化防疫機制,再次控制疫情的同時也使新加坡社會更迅速回復如常;反觀後者卻因航空機組人員的連續確診, 中斷連續 253 天無本土病例之紀錄,之後防疫破口如同滾雪球一般,爆發更多群聚感染,過低的新冠疫苗接種率無疑又給予臺灣新冠疫情沈重的一擊。本研究希望透過檢視新加坡新冠疫苗政策,從防疫金三角框架中的三個面向:適應性治理、網絡夥伴關係以及道德勸說,歸納出臺灣新冠疫苗政策之疏漏,探討我國新冠疫苗政策在防疫金三角框架中所缺失之面向,希望藉此針對政府的整體防疫表現進行反思。
COVID-19, a pandemic of this century, quickly spread globally since its emergence at the end of 2019, catching many countries off guard. In just over two months, it caused tens of thousands of confirmed cases worldwide. By May 2023, the number of infected people globally had accumulated to over 600 million, marking an unprecedented rate of spread in this century.While many countries succumbed to the pandemic, a few Asian nations stood out as successful in their pandemic prevention, particularly Singapore and Taiwan, whose pandemic responses received international acclaim. However, as these countries transitioned from a zero-COVID strategy to coexisting with the virus, they displayed starkly different approaches. Singapore, despite experiencing a setback due to a major outbreak in its migrant worker dormitories, managed to rebuild and strengthen its pandemic control mechanisms by implementing the public governance model of“the pandemic prevention golden triangle framework”in its COVID-19 vaccine policy. This approach not only regained control over the pandemic but also enabled a quicker return to normalcy in Singaporean society. In contrast, Taiwan saw an end to its record of 253 consecutive days without local infection cases due to successive confirmations among airline crew members. Following this, the breach in pandemic prevention snowballed, leading to more cluster infections. The low COVID-19 vaccination rate has undoubtedly dealt another heavy blow to Taiwan's pandemic situation. This study aims to examine Singapore's COVID-19 vaccine policy through the lens of the pandemic prevention golden triangle framework, focusing on its three pillars: adaptive governance, network partnerships, and moral suasion. It seeks to identify the shortcomings in Taiwan's COVID-19 vaccine policy and explore the missing aspects of this theory in Taiwan's strategy, hoping to prompt a reflection on the government's overall pandemic response.
COVID-19, a pandemic of this century, quickly spread globally since its emergence at the end of 2019, catching many countries off guard. In just over two months, it caused tens of thousands of confirmed cases worldwide. By May 2023, the number of infected people globally had accumulated to over 600 million, marking an unprecedented rate of spread in this century.While many countries succumbed to the pandemic, a few Asian nations stood out as successful in their pandemic prevention, particularly Singapore and Taiwan, whose pandemic responses received international acclaim. However, as these countries transitioned from a zero-COVID strategy to coexisting with the virus, they displayed starkly different approaches. Singapore, despite experiencing a setback due to a major outbreak in its migrant worker dormitories, managed to rebuild and strengthen its pandemic control mechanisms by implementing the public governance model of“the pandemic prevention golden triangle framework”in its COVID-19 vaccine policy. This approach not only regained control over the pandemic but also enabled a quicker return to normalcy in Singaporean society. In contrast, Taiwan saw an end to its record of 253 consecutive days without local infection cases due to successive confirmations among airline crew members. Following this, the breach in pandemic prevention snowballed, leading to more cluster infections. The low COVID-19 vaccination rate has undoubtedly dealt another heavy blow to Taiwan's pandemic situation. This study aims to examine Singapore's COVID-19 vaccine policy through the lens of the pandemic prevention golden triangle framework, focusing on its three pillars: adaptive governance, network partnerships, and moral suasion. It seeks to identify the shortcomings in Taiwan's COVID-19 vaccine policy and explore the missing aspects of this theory in Taiwan's strategy, hoping to prompt a reflection on the government's overall pandemic response.
防疫金三角框架, 適應性治理, 網絡夥伴關係, 道德勸導, 新冠疫苗政策, the pandemic prevention golden triangle framework, adaptive governance, network partnerships, moral suasion, COVID-19 vaccine policy