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因應全球人們開始重視生活及旅遊休閒,以及天空市場的開放,相對航空業也隨著蓬勃發展,航空公司對空服人員人力需求大增,空服員工作為年輕學子及上班族所嚮往的熱門職業,近年因勞工意識日益高漲,企業想要永續經營,企業要滿足員工需求,唯有創造能讓員工每天笑開懷的工作職場,才能達到企業提高利潤、永續經營的目標。快樂的員工是引導組織優良表現的關鍵因素之一, 讓員工有快樂和積極進取的工作場所,是組織人力資源管理實務中的重要議題。但近年來發生空服員走上街頭抗議事件頻頻發生。本研究採用質性與量化並行的研究方法,以探索客艙組員職場幸福感,並建立客艙組員職場幸福感指標及指數。質性研究部份:首先透過國籍航空公司曾經擔任空服員,且目前具備管理空服員主管或訓練講師 (教官),以及資深空服員等8位進行深度訪談,建構客艙組員的職場幸福感指標。量化研究部份:將依據深度訪談彙整資料,設計本研究之問卷調查,並針對國籍航空空服員進行425份問卷調查,以預估國籍各航空公司空服員職場幸福指數。根據研究結果,發現影響客艙組員職場幸福感的關鍵指標為 (1) 工作性質為輪班,無法與家人、朋友配合 (2) 工作性質為輪班,無法與家人、朋友配合 (3) 組員認同公司及部門的各項政策 (4) 公司會接納組員所提建議並改善組員工作環境及方式 (5) 客艙組員的職責規範明確並有所遵循 (6) 工作量與薪資合理性,最後提供並提供航空空司企業管 理者參考 ,以達到企業提高利潤、永續經營的目標。
In response to the global phenomenon of people beginning to pay more attention to living life and leisure travel, as well as the growth of the air travel market, the aviation industry is undergoing vigorous expansion. In recent years, due to rising labor awareness, enterprises want sustainable management. Giving employees a happy and enterprising workplace is an important part of organizing human resource management practices. This study explores flight attendant workplace satisfaction and establishes indicators and indexes of flight attendant workplace satisfaction. This study uses qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the qualitative research part: first with local airline staff members who have previously served as flight attendants, with staff members currently in charge of managing flight attendants or training instructors, and finally, with senior flight attendants in depth interviews were conducted. In the quantitative research part: According to the depth of interviews with aggregated data, the design of the questionnaire survey with an emphasis on domestic airlines' flight attendants to conduct a questionnaire survey to investigate flight attendant job satisfaction indicators and estimate job satisfaction. Finally, according to the results of the study, we will create key indicators of the workplace satisfaction of the cabin crew, leading indexes, and trailing indexes to effectively improve the satisfaction of the cabin crew members, so that the workplace has a more completely positive psychological atmosphere – more happy and more enterprising – to enhance enterprise competitiveness.



空服員, 職場幸福感, cabin crew, Workplace well-being





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