
dc.contributorJui-Fu Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorZih-Chiao Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解新北市立福和國中二年級學生體適能之現況,並比較不同體適能表現之男女學生在學業成績及情緒智力之差異以及分析國二學生的學業成績與情緒智力之關係。以福和國中全體國二學生共1401人實施體適能普測,男女生分別進行加總排序,各取前、後25%兩組學生,通過家長同意者共432人,填寫有全國常模可對照的「青少年情緒反應量表」(AERI),並取得其學業成績進行極端值比較。共回收有效問卷432份,所得資料以α=.05為顯著依據,以次數分配、描述性統計、t考驗、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理,研究結論如下: 一、對照全國常模來看,福和國中二年級男女學生的身體質量指數多屬於正常範圍,過瘦的比率居第二位;男學生在柔軟度、瞬發力皆高於全國常模中間值,女生柔軟度優於男生,而女生只有柔軟度是明顯高於常模中間值,其餘三項瞬發力、肌力肌耐力、心肺耐力皆低於常模中間值;全體二年級學生則是以肌力肌耐力最差。 二、不同體適能表現的男女學生在學業成績均達顯著差異。體適能最好的前25%男女學生比體適能最差的後25%男女學生,擁有更高的學業成績。 三、不同體適能表現的男學生在「情緒覺察與瞭解」方面達到顯著差異。不同體適能表現的女學生,則在「情緒智力總分」、「情緒覺察與瞭解」、「情緒表達」、「情緒調節」、「情緒效能」方面均達顯著差異。 四、國二學生之學業成績與「情緒智力總分」、「情緒覺察與瞭解」、「情緒效能」具有顯著相關,表示國二學生的學業成績越高,其情緒智力總分、情緒覺察與瞭解、情緒效能越高。 五、國二學生體適能總分及情緒智力對學業成績具有預測力。其中「體適能總分」為主要預測變項,達顯著預測力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to understand the current situation of second-year student’s physical fitness New Taipei Municipal Fuhe Junior High School, and to compare and analyze the different performances between boys and girls in their academic achievement and emotional intelligence. Take the example of New Taipei Municipal Fuhe Junior High School, there were totally 1401 second-year boys and girls joined the physical fitness survey which were also counted separately. The top and the last 25% samples with the parents agreement made to the sum of 432. The "Adolescent Emotional Response Inventory" (AERI) were completed and the children’s academic performance results were taken to make comparison. There were 432 valid questionnaires in total, based on the α=.05 principal, which processed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression. The results showed: 1. Compared with the nation norm, all second-year students results lied within the standard grade BMI; male students in flexibility and explosive strength were higher than the middle of the national norm. However, the girls showed only better result than boys in flexibility with all the rest below the middle of the national norm. The strength and muscular endurance performances were the worst among all the tests no matter boys or girls. 2. The different physical fitness performance of male and female students also reflects the significant differences in the academic achievement. The top 25% of male and female students who had better results in the physical fitness also showed higher academic achievement than the average of the last 25% of male and female students. 3. The different physical fitness performance of boys showed the significant difference only in the "perception and understanding of emotion" with the girls showed significant differences in "emotional intelligence score", "perception and understanding of emotion", "expression of emotion", "regulation of emotion" and "assimilating emotion in thought". 4. The "academic achievement", "emotional intelligence score", "perception and understanding of emotion" and "assimilating emotion in thought" are highly related with each other. The students with the higher academic performance showed also better results in those areas mentioned above. 5. Fifth: The "physical fitness score" and "emotional intelligence" of second-year students could predict the academic achievement significantly, with the "physical fitness score " as the main predicted variables.en_US
dc.subjectjunior high school students' physical fitnessen_US
dc.subjectacademic achievementen_US
dc.subjectemotional intelligenceen_US
dc.titleThe relationship among physical fitness, academic achievement and emotional intelligence - A Case Study of Fuhe Junior High Schoolen_US

