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本研究比較了 2010-2019 這十年中印度和台灣翻譯研究的發展與趨勢。翻譯 雖在印度數千年的歷史中扮演重要的角色,但將翻譯研究納入一門獨立學科的目 標在印度仍處於萌芽階段。在印度大多數大學,翻譯仍不是一個獨立的科系,而 是併入印度語系或外文系的選修課程。反觀台灣則有些全亞洲最好的翻譯系所, 如國立台灣師範大學翻譯研究所,國立台灣大學翻譯碩士學位學程等等。Williams 和 Chesterman(2002)將翻譯研究分成十二個領域,本研究以印度 翻譯期刊《Translation Today》和台灣期刊《編譯論叢》 和 《翻譯學研究期刊》 作為研究材料,分析和歸類這十年共 257 篇期刊論文至這十二個研究領域,再透 過卡方檢定,以確定印度和台灣在不同研究領域的期刊論文次數之間是否有顯著 差異。研究結果顯示,印度和台灣,僅在「翻譯倫理」與「口譯」兩個領域的論 文數量有顯著差異(p<.05),此外,質性研究方法的比重比量性研究高。此外,在 語種分析上,台灣期刊論文主要以中文和英文為研究的語種居多,而印度則以英 文與印度國內語種為大宗。
雖然國內外學者對於翻譯趨勢已進行大量的研究,但是對於印度的研究趨勢 卻出乎意料的匱乏,本研究希望能讓我們更能夠了解台灣與印度的翻譯研究趨勢, 並對後繼研究可能的方向提出建議。
his study compares the research trends in translation studies in India and Taiwan from 2010 to 2019. Even though translation has been an integral part of Indian history, Translation Studies as an academic discipline in India is still evolving. In most universities, translation courses are offered obligatory as a part of linguistics or other foreign or Indian language programs. Taiwan, on the other hand, has some of the best translation and interpretation programs in Asia, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation at National Taiwan University (NTU), to name a few. One Indian and two Taiwanese journals were selected for this study. The articles published in these journals between 2010 to 2019 were categorized into the twelve research areas proposed by Williams and Chesterman (2002). Following this categorization, several Chi-square tests were performed to determine whether differences between the frequencies of the articles were of any statistical significance. The test results revealed that the frequencies of the articles in Indian and Taiwanese translation journals had statistically significant differences (p<.05) in the ‘Translation Ethics’ and ‘Interpreting’ research areas. Among various types of research methods, qualitative methods were used more frequently in both Indian and Taiwanese translation journals than quantitative methods. Additionally, my analysis revealed that Taiwanese articles mainly discussed translations between Chinese and English language pairs, while Indian articles mostly focused on translations between English and Indian languages. Despite extensive coverage of research trends in translation studies by foreign scholars, the literature on research trends in India remains scarce. It is hoped that this study will contribute to our understanding of research trends in India and Taiwan and offer suggestions on possible research directions for T&I scholars in the future.
his study compares the research trends in translation studies in India and Taiwan from 2010 to 2019. Even though translation has been an integral part of Indian history, Translation Studies as an academic discipline in India is still evolving. In most universities, translation courses are offered obligatory as a part of linguistics or other foreign or Indian language programs. Taiwan, on the other hand, has some of the best translation and interpretation programs in Asia, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Graduate Program in Translation and Interpretation at National Taiwan University (NTU), to name a few. One Indian and two Taiwanese journals were selected for this study. The articles published in these journals between 2010 to 2019 were categorized into the twelve research areas proposed by Williams and Chesterman (2002). Following this categorization, several Chi-square tests were performed to determine whether differences between the frequencies of the articles were of any statistical significance. The test results revealed that the frequencies of the articles in Indian and Taiwanese translation journals had statistically significant differences (p<.05) in the ‘Translation Ethics’ and ‘Interpreting’ research areas. Among various types of research methods, qualitative methods were used more frequently in both Indian and Taiwanese translation journals than quantitative methods. Additionally, my analysis revealed that Taiwanese articles mainly discussed translations between Chinese and English language pairs, while Indian articles mostly focused on translations between English and Indian languages. Despite extensive coverage of research trends in translation studies by foreign scholars, the literature on research trends in India remains scarce. It is hoped that this study will contribute to our understanding of research trends in India and Taiwan and offer suggestions on possible research directions for T&I scholars in the future.
台灣翻譯研究, 印度翻譯研究, 翻譯研究領域, 卡方檢定, 翻譯研究方法, Translation Studies in Taiwan, Translation Studies in India, Research Areas in Translation Studies, Chi-Square Test, Research Methods in Translation Studies