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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Special Education


雙重殊異學生一向都是被忽視的一個族群,亦因其特殊性使得特殊才能發展常處於卓越邊緣 。欲滿足雙重殊異學生的特殊學習殊求,是極具挑戰性的。如何提供雙重殊異學生一個公平的教育資源使其能實現潛能,其鑑定與教育的適切性是一個重要議題。本研究採個案研究,透過觀察、訪談及文件檔案的資料,蒐集探討一名雙重殊異自閉症學生小帥在報考音樂資優班落選後,如何在一個由自閉症學生組成的同質性樂團中,透過同儕師徒學習模式發揮音樂特殊才能之優勢,以及如何藉助同儕師徒學習模式因應發展音樂特殊才能之挑戰。研究結果為:一、小帥透過同儕師徒學習模式發揮音樂特殊才能之優勢包括以唱歌優勢引導同儕跨越障礙齊聲合奏、音感佳成為樂團中的好幫手、記憶力佳幫助樂團同儕建構樂句、非線型的思考模式賦予音樂新的詮釋,以及非規範性的想法促使同儕邁向創新;二、小帥透過同儕師徒學習模式在發展音樂特殊才能之挑戰因應,包括同儕師徒學習模式的典範引導突破拍數計算困難、同儕間內隱知識的習得消除固執己見、透過同儕師徒學習模式培訓樂團程度最高的同儕作為大師兄以因應組織能力的缺乏、分部練習形成同儕師徒學習架構讓同儕一起探索以減低挫折感、透過同儕師徒的團隊學習超越他人評價,以及藉由隱性知識視覺化以強化音樂性強弱的表現。
Purpose: Twice-exceptional gifted students have always been a neglected population. Because the characteristics of twice-exceptional gifted students that they are unable to develop special talents. To meet the special needs of twice-exceptional gifted students is challenging. This is an important issue, how to identify and placement of twice-exceptional gifted students and to provide fair and adequate educational resources so that they can development potential and achieve special talents. This study investigated the development of musical talents in Xiaoshuai, a student with autism spectrum disorder who failed a music entrance exam for gifted students. The study explored the advantages, and challenges, of the peer mentoring mode to an autistic student learning special musical talents in a homogenous orchestra. Methods: A case study methodology was employed, involving observation, file analysis, and interviews. Interviews were conducted with Xiaoshuai, his mother, his peer's mother, and the conductor of the orchestra. Results/Findings: (1) Xiaoshuai deployed the advantages of his special musical talents in the peer mentoring mode as follows : (a) his singing influenced peers to overcome obstacles to playing together; (b) his strong sense of pitch enabled him to become a good assistant in the orchestra; (c) his retentive memory assisted peers in the orchestra in constructing musical phrases; (d) his nonlinear thinking created new interpretations of music; (e) his nonnormative thinking encouraged his peers in the orchestra to innovate. (2) Xiaoshuai responded to the challenges to his special musical talents in the peer mentoring mode as follows: (a) he overcame comprehension difficulties through peer guidance; (b) he circumvented peer unhelpfulness by acquiring tacit knowledge; (c) he trained at the highest level in the orchestra despite a lack of organizational capacity; (d) he participated in smaller peer mentoring groups during orchestra practice to reduce tensions






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