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對現在的學生來說,背著書包去上學,是一件再日常不過的事情。臺灣人開始有使用書包的共同經驗,是日治時期隨著近代學校的定著而逐漸形成。書包因為具備容器的功能性,形成教育規訓中非透明化的領域,所以在書包那個小小的空間裡面,同時交織著公領域與私領域的範疇,既是傳遞新知識的工具,也是思想交流的橋樑。 本研究以日治時期的學生書包為中心,基於使用書包已經成為臺灣人的共同經驗,以及物件為主題的研究有大量的圖像史料,因此本文以圖文書的方式呈現研究結果。全書分為六個篇章,前四章以物質文化的角度,探究不同學制與性別的書包形式、象徵性及意義;後兩章以消費文化的角度,觀察書包商品化與兩種主要的流通情形。 書包的社會生命史,為臺灣的過去訴說了一個以學生為視角的故事,因為容器的特性,在殖民統治之下,為臺灣人留了一塊自我追尋的空間。不論學生使用什麼形式的書包,都意味著近代教育在臺灣的展開,也象徵臺灣人對於新知識與學歷的追尋。同時,從學生的個人經驗可以看到,書包裡面除了裝著課本,也裝著學生對知識的自豪,甚至是對殖民統治的不滿。書包訴說著臺灣的政治、教育與社會的變化,也記錄著不同時代裡臺灣人的期待與感受。
As for the students, it’s a matter of course to carry schoolbags to school now. Taiwanese have been having collective experience of carrying schoolbags to school because modern school was established during the Japanese Colonial Period. Being a container, schoolbags belong to non-transparent discipline. In the schoolbags, it interweave public sphere and private sphere. Schoolbags is a tool for transmission of knowledge, and a bridge between different thoughts as well. This study on schoolbags during the Japanese colonial period. Since Taiwanese have been having collective experience of carrying schoolbags to school and there are ample historical materials of pictures, the author presents the research in illustrated book form. The book has six chapters, the first four chapters elucidate the form, the symbolic and the meaning of schoolbags in terms of material culture, the last chapters elucidate commodification of schoolbags and two kinds of circulation in terms of consumer culture. The Social Life of schoolbags elucidate a story from the perspective of students. During the Japanese Colonial Period, being a container, schoolbags make a space to self-searching for Taiwanese. No matter what kind of schoolbags students use, it means that modern education was established in Taiwan and Taiwanese eager for knowledge and the educational background. In addition, based on students experience, not only textbooks, but proud and disaffection are all in the schoolbags. The Social Life of schoolbags elucidate the development of politics, education and social, and record Taiwanese expectations and feelings.



日治時期, 學生書包, 物質文化, 消費文化, Japanese Colonial Period, Schoolbags, Material Culture, Consumer Culture





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