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本研究目的在探討臺灣古蹟、歷史建築修復時,木作匠師地位和功能、經驗價值和養成方法,作為政府人才培訓及核發證照參考。本研究就民國71年(1982年) 《文化資產保存法》公佈實施以來至今,傳統木作匠師參與古蹟、歷史建築修復工作情形,深入訪談從事有關古蹟、歷史建築專家學者、建築師、營造廠、工地主任、監造工程師、木作匠師、木工師父,同時以相關文獻深入探討、研究、歸納、分析,得出研究結果如下:
After more than thirty years of development in preservation and restoration of historic buildings and cultural heritage, the concepts of preservation and the spirit to pursue the authenticity have reached to an international level and still in constant progress. However, the number of capable technicians specialized in historic buildings restoration is decreasing. The shortage of master woodworking craftsmen is in an especially serious condition in this industry. In order to cultivate future technicians and set up a certification standard, this research aims to understand the position, functions, the values of experience, and methods of training of woodworking craftsmen in the field of historic buildings restoration. Based on the concept of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act implemented in 1982, this research addresses the exact participation of traditional woodworking craftsmen in historic buildings’ field. Relevant researchers, architects, construction companies and other professionals are interviewed. Conclusions of the study are threefold. 1. The prospective of woodworking craftsmen are very different between academic and practical point of views in terms of their position and functions in Taiwan. The collapse of traditional technique development and other issues result in the low position and functions. 2. The woodworking craftsmen values experiences. The practical fields of restoration require years of experiences, especially in experience of attempting project. 3. The development of woodworking craftsmen training can be accomplished through obtaining government issued certificates. The recommendations of this study are to establish vocational schools of traditional restore techniques and improve the mechanism of woodworking craftsmen certificates to ensure the consistency with historical design. Also, adjusting the system of purchase department to fit in the modern architecture development is suggested as well to maintain the capacity of woodworking craftsmen in historical building restore field. Key words: heritage, historical building, Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, woodworking craftsmen.
After more than thirty years of development in preservation and restoration of historic buildings and cultural heritage, the concepts of preservation and the spirit to pursue the authenticity have reached to an international level and still in constant progress. However, the number of capable technicians specialized in historic buildings restoration is decreasing. The shortage of master woodworking craftsmen is in an especially serious condition in this industry. In order to cultivate future technicians and set up a certification standard, this research aims to understand the position, functions, the values of experience, and methods of training of woodworking craftsmen in the field of historic buildings restoration. Based on the concept of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act implemented in 1982, this research addresses the exact participation of traditional woodworking craftsmen in historic buildings’ field. Relevant researchers, architects, construction companies and other professionals are interviewed. Conclusions of the study are threefold. 1. The prospective of woodworking craftsmen are very different between academic and practical point of views in terms of their position and functions in Taiwan. The collapse of traditional technique development and other issues result in the low position and functions. 2. The woodworking craftsmen values experiences. The practical fields of restoration require years of experiences, especially in experience of attempting project. 3. The development of woodworking craftsmen training can be accomplished through obtaining government issued certificates. The recommendations of this study are to establish vocational schools of traditional restore techniques and improve the mechanism of woodworking craftsmen certificates to ensure the consistency with historical design. Also, adjusting the system of purchase department to fit in the modern architecture development is suggested as well to maintain the capacity of woodworking craftsmen in historical building restore field. Key words: heritage, historical building, Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, woodworking craftsmen.
古蹟, 歷史建築, 文化資產保存法, 木作匠師, heritage, historical building, Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, woodworking craftsmen