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本研究旨在探討「啟聰學校學生手語名字」之命名由來、視覺結構、命名規律與原則、不 同背景學生之命名現狀以及對手語名字的看法。研究係採取質與量並重的方式,利用田野 調查蒐集北聰88~90學年度310名高中生之339個手語名字進行質的分析與量的統計,又對90 學年度50名高中生實施問卷式訪談調查,並輔以參與觀察校園活動。本研究之主要結論如 下: 1.聽障學生是在接受聽障教育之後,主要為了利於彼此稱呼及識別,被同儕友伴依其身體 特徵或姓名,結合性別手勢在私下場合或經公開儀式,依手語命名原則取了一個手語名字 ,不僅具有命名意義,日後就傳開而固定使用在熟識的聽障團體中,若碰上同名、粗俗不 雅等情形,才會更換新的手語名字。 2.手語名字的視覺結構包括手形、動作及位置等組合成分,通常是以右手手指經由張開、 握拳、伸直、彎曲、交叉、併攏、相觸等動作完成手形,隨模仿主客體的動作、特徵、形 狀等比劃,以及書空字形而有不同的動作表現及移動方向,其手勢位置是以頭部、臉部、 胸前為主,皆在身體前面,手勢打起來符合人體之動作發展情形。 3.手語名字是以使用右手手指組合動作一次的「單式手名」為主,大多數具有性別手勢, 其構詞現象包括單純詞、派生詞及複合詞等,句法型態包括專門成分及附屬成分兩類。 4.不同背景學生在手語命名上呈現了異同的情形,發現手指組合之型態具有性別色彩。 5.瞭解啟聰學校學生對手語名字、不雅手名、同名、更名、譯名以及其它等問題之看法與 期待。   最後,本研究依上述結論、研究限制,提出建議,供啟聰學校師生、家長以及未來的研 究人員參考。
This purpose of this study was to explore the origins, the visual makeup, and patterns/principles of name signs of the students at Taipei School for the Hearing Impaired﹝hereinafter TSHI﹞as well as how students from different backgrounds go about designing names and how they consider the traditional way of naming. The research seeks to strike a balance between qualitative and quantitative methodologies by conducting a field research on the 339 name signs used by the 310 TSHI students enrolled between the academic years of 1999 to 2001 as the collected data was broken down quantitatively and analyzed qualitatively. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted in the 2001 academic year on 50 senior high school students. The paper was also completed with a literature review and findings of campus activity observation. The main findings of the paper are as follows: 1.The Hearing-Impaired Students get name signs based on their physical characteristics, real names, and gender, among other sign language principles from peers privately or publicly upon receiving education for the hearing- impaired mainly to facilitate the addressing and identifying called for on social occasions. The name signs will be used as a identifier among hearing- impaired communities and will be changed only when someone with the same name signs comes along or when the name is found to be implying vulgarity. 2.The visual makeup of a name signs consists of such components as the shape, the movement, and the location of the hand. Among the most often performed hand shapes using the fingers of the right hand are palming, straightening, fisting, curving, crossing, joining, and touching, while these shapes can be used independently or at times combined. The movement of the hand hinges on whether the performer is imitating the referee’s physical movement, physical features, shapes, or gesturing a related Chinese character, etc. As to the location of the hand, most end up in front of the head, the face and the chest. The three components shall combine to create a gesture corresponding to the human body mechanics. 3.Most of the name signs belong to the “single-gesture name” category, which is characterized by using the fingers of the right hand in a single movement. Most of them include a reference to gender. The names can be divided into single-morpheme words, derivative words, and compound words, morphologically, while any given name can be broken down to main part and affiliated part, syntactically. 4.Students from different backgrounds are found to develop both similarities and distinctions in terms of name signs. A gender-specific use of finger combinations is also spotted. 5.An understanding is attained of NSHI students’ points of views towards such subject matters or problems as name signs, inappropriate name signs, identical names, changing names, translating names, among others. Their expectations are also included. Lastly, this research will, with the above findings and research limitations in mind, offer suggestions to the parents and students of NSHI as well as future researchers.



啟聰學校, 聽障學生, 手語名字, 手語, 聾文化





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