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本研究目的旨在探討我國優秀女子射箭選手,因應比賽情緒的方法、策略及其成效。透過深入訪談法,記錄選手們訓練中、比賽前與比賽中的經歷與體驗而進行問題的探討。本研究對象以曾經當選國手代表國家參賽,現今仍從事射箭賽事,並持續參與練習之八名選手,訪談時間約45分鐘。 研究所得資料經分析及歸類後發現:我國優秀女子射箭選手練習中的情緒來源主要有隊友之間的交互影響及練習時的測驗成績等,比賽前的情緒來源主要有賽事等級、家人、信心不足及觀眾等,比賽中的情緒來源主要有比數的拉鋸戰、當下的手感、風向的改變、賽制的改變、教練的支持及信心不足與專注力不佳等。 選手在面臨情緒時所採取的因應策略,主要有自我談話、轉移注意力、深呼吸、與教練溝通及與隊友談話等因應策略。在面對亞運和奧運殿堂上非常有機會奪牌的射箭項目,選手們不僅僅是為了自己努力,更背負國人的期待。因此,有系統、有方法的心理技能訓練課程確實是不可或缺的成功關鍵。
By using Qualitative Research and interview methodology, the purpose of this research is trying to investigate the strategy and effectiveness on emotional reaction of the elite female archers in Taiwan when facing competition. The research samples limit to the female archers who have been elected to be the National player and represented the country in competition. The interview takes about 45 minutes for each subject. After analyzing the data, the findings of this research are as follows. When practicing, the emotional sources of the archery include interaction between teammates and test scores. Before the competition, the emotional sources include competition level, family members, lack of confidence and the audience, etc. And in competition, the sources contain competition scores, change of the wind direction similar or the competition rules, the coach's support, lack of confidence and poor concentration, etc. When facing different emotions, the reactive strategies include self-talk, attention distraction, deep breath, talking with coach and teammates, etc. Therefore , to maintain optimum of archery, designing systematic psychological training courses is certainly an important factor.



情緒, 心理技能, 優秀女子射箭選手, emotion, psychological skills, elite female archers

