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  This research aimed to investigate the differences of the marathoners in participation motivation, setting attributes and participation satisfaction, and taked the marathoners of the 2009 Fubon Taipei Marathon as its research objects. Related data by questionnaire method was collected. The questionnaire contained the four parts:participation motivation scale, setting attribute scale and participation satisfaction scale as well as demographic variables. The researcher conducted the questionnaire survey by convenience sampling. A total of 450 questionnaires were given out, and all of which were returned. After excluding the incomplete questionnaires, there were 423 valid ones, with a valid return rate of 94%.   The returned data was processed through the SPSS18.0. After analyzing and processing the research data with the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post-hoc comparison and Pearson’s product-moment correlation as well as multiple stepwise regression, this research reached the following conclusions: (1) the male aged from 41 to 50 take an absolute majority in all marathoners; (2) most of the marathoners have a running time for 1 to 5 years, with 3~4 times of exercises a week and 1~2 hours in each exercise; (3) the “social communication” and the “psychology exercising” are the main participation motivations of the marathoners; (4) in terms of setting attributes, the “path” and the “security” are the marathoners’ consideration bases for the participation; (5) the “social communication” and the “psychology exercising” in participation motivation and the “path” and the “security” in setting attributes have significant predictive power in the satisfaction of participation.   Based on the research results above, the researcher suggests that the marathon race organizers should promote and publicize this event aiming at the young and the female sports groups, design different distance experience groups, detailedly plan the race paths and coordinate with on-site sport products companies to promote sport products, in order to attract more marathon enthusiasts, increase tourism economy and raise Taiwan’s international image, giving marathon event more positive value.



馬拉松選手, 參賽動機, 環境屬性, 參賽滿意度, 富邦臺北馬拉松, marathoner, participation motivation, setting attributes, satisfaction of participation, Fubon Taipei Marathon





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