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本研究採用量化研究方法進行,以正在越南河內三所公務人員培訓學校進修之公務人員為調查研究對象。透過蒐集有關文獻,探討公務人員培訓歷程與公務人員核心能力相關理論及兩者之間的關係;進行實施問卷調查,回收問卷共353份(達88,25%),有效問卷共327份(達93,42%),再使用SPSS 20統計軟體以平均數、標準差、t 檢驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法對研究資料進行分析,獲致下列結論:
This study is aimed for understanding about the current situation of periods in the process of training Vietnamese civil servants and the current situation in those ones’ core competencies; learning about the relationship between the current situation of stages in training process and the thorough grasp in core competencies; surveying in the forecasting ability about the core competencies deriving from the training process’s current situation. The conclusions and suggestions are presented according to the study’s results. Quantitative analysis method is used in this research over the examined targets who are civil servants attending courses at 3 training civil servants institutions in Hanoi, Vietnam. The theoretical bases are found from theoretical analysis about periods of training process and the civil servants’ core competencies, followed by implementing the survey by questionnaires. The number of samples retrieved is 353 (occupying 88,25% of sent questionnaire ones) in which the number of samples valuing for research is 327 (counted for 93,42% ). Various methods of data analysis including SPSS 20 statistical software, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression were used in this study. The analysis of data leads to the following conclusions: 1. The current situation of the process’s stages in training Vietnamese civil servants is pretty good, in which the process of Teaching implementation gained the highest evaluation. 2. The current conditions of the core competencies of Vietnamese civil servants are fine, in which the conditions of Professional competencies are the best. 3. Variables including gender and grade make Vietnam civil servants have different views on the appropriateness of training courses. 4. Variables including gender, age, grade and the highest degree of education make Vietnamese civil servants have different levels of core competencies. 5. The appropriateness of the training courses for Vietnamese civil servants has a positive impact on enhancing their core competencies. Finally, based on the above conclusions, suggestions are presented for the administration bureaus and training institutions for Vietnamese civil servants, the institutions of civil service, and future research.
This study is aimed for understanding about the current situation of periods in the process of training Vietnamese civil servants and the current situation in those ones’ core competencies; learning about the relationship between the current situation of stages in training process and the thorough grasp in core competencies; surveying in the forecasting ability about the core competencies deriving from the training process’s current situation. The conclusions and suggestions are presented according to the study’s results. Quantitative analysis method is used in this research over the examined targets who are civil servants attending courses at 3 training civil servants institutions in Hanoi, Vietnam. The theoretical bases are found from theoretical analysis about periods of training process and the civil servants’ core competencies, followed by implementing the survey by questionnaires. The number of samples retrieved is 353 (occupying 88,25% of sent questionnaire ones) in which the number of samples valuing for research is 327 (counted for 93,42% ). Various methods of data analysis including SPSS 20 statistical software, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression were used in this study. The analysis of data leads to the following conclusions: 1. The current situation of the process’s stages in training Vietnamese civil servants is pretty good, in which the process of Teaching implementation gained the highest evaluation. 2. The current conditions of the core competencies of Vietnamese civil servants are fine, in which the conditions of Professional competencies are the best. 3. Variables including gender and grade make Vietnam civil servants have different views on the appropriateness of training courses. 4. Variables including gender, age, grade and the highest degree of education make Vietnamese civil servants have different levels of core competencies. 5. The appropriateness of the training courses for Vietnamese civil servants has a positive impact on enhancing their core competencies. Finally, based on the above conclusions, suggestions are presented for the administration bureaus and training institutions for Vietnamese civil servants, the institutions of civil service, and future research.
越南公務人員, 公務人員培訓歷程, 公務人員核心能力, Vietnamese civil servants, civil servants training process, civil servant’s core competencies