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本研究旨在探討臺灣地區現役司法通譯的工作壓力來源、工作壓力來源衍生的問題與影響,以及司法通譯如何因應工作壓力。本研究以半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,以11位現役司法通譯為研究對象,研究者以Cooper et al. (1982)研究結果為依據,將工作壓力源分為「工作實體環境」、「工作本身」、「人際關係」、「工作/家庭衝突」四大分類;因應策略則參考國內類似研究,分為「理性思考」、「解決問題」、「情緒調適」、「尋求支持」、「延宕趨避」五類。研究發現結果如下: 工作實體環境中的工作空間、設備、工作環境中的人是通譯工作壓力源,其中工作空間的噪音及工作環境中的人對通譯進行工作時會造成最多身心影響。工作本身而言,受訪者表示事前工作準備困難、通譯服務使用者對通譯角色的期待相衝突,且通譯酬勞仍有調整空間等是通譯目前在工作上遇到的挑戰。人際關係的壓力源自通譯仍然面臨通譯服務使用者態度不佳,以及不信任通譯專業能力。工作/家庭衝突方面,工作時間不固定對家庭或個人生活的影響是主要的困擾來源。在因應策略方面,通譯在工作當下遇到需要立即處理的問題時最常選擇「解決問題」和「情緒調適」來面對工作壓力。工作之餘,通譯除「尋求專業及情感支持」外,也會選擇「情緒調適」來排解工作壓力。
The purpose of this study is to explore the occupational stress, work stressors, and coping strategies of court interpreters in Taiwan through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 11 court interpreters. Based on research results from Cooper et al.’s study (1982) and studies on the coping strategies of people in various occupations in Taiwan, this study identifies four causes of occupational stress: physical environment, factors intrinsic to the job, interpersonal relationships, and work/family conflict. Coping strategies are categorized into five sets: support seeking, emotional adjustment, problem solving, rational thinking, and procrastinating and evading. Research resultspoint out that the ambient environment, equipment used at work, and people are stressors present in the physical environment, and that noise and people in the environment inflict nervousness and pressure on court interpreters. Regarding factors intrinsic to the job, difficulties in case preparation, conflicting views and expectations on the role of court interpreters among service users, and remuneration are the most prevalent challenges. Poor behavior and distrust from service receivers are the common stressors related to interpersonal relationships. As for work/family conflict, irregular working hours is the main source of impact on court interpreters’ personal and family life. When faced with problems and challenges at work, problem solving and emotional adjustment are the two most-frequently adopted strategies, whereas seeking professional and emotional support and emotional adjustment are the two strategies used outside of work to relieve work-related stress.



社區口譯, 司法通譯, 工作壓力, 工作壓力源, 因應策略, community interpreting, court interpreting, occupational stress, work stressors, coping strategies





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