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本研究旨在探討王建民被形塑成運動明星的因素與過程,以及王建民明星化背後值得我們反思的社會現象。本研究從社會學及大眾傳播理論的角度,以文獻分析法分析王建民相關報導、新聞評論、以及相關性論文著作,探討運動明星被生產的過程、原因、手法。此外,也以深度訪談法,訪問王建民各時期的教練,印證王建民的明星特質與媒體報導的正確性;並訪談報導王建民相關新聞媒體工作者、商品代言計畫執行者、王建民商品販賣者,釐清王建民明星化的過程。也從球迷、商品消費者的訪談結果,分析王建民明星化的社會心理因素。最後,反思王建民明星化後產生的各種社會現象。研究結果發現如下:一、王建民優異的成績是他成為運動明星的主要因素,加上他身處世界最高水準的美國職棒大聯盟(MLB),媒體刻意地篩選王建民的特殊人格特質,以議題設定(agenda-setting theory)的報導方式,讓王建民知名度大增。王建民在這樣的報導下,成為媒體運動下,一種富涵象徵意義的文化商品。商品承載著台灣棒球的歷史與社會。商業組織利用商品意義與消費者產生共鳴的情感與情感連結,共同形塑了他的明星形象。二、在王建民現象反思方面:王建民明星化產生了許多爭議的話題,在本研究通稱為「王建民現象」。包括媒體瘋狂追逐王建民,甚至以近乎偷窺的方式報導。王建民商品價格不斷水漲船高,讓一般球迷無力負擔,也引發過度商品化的爭議。這些現象之所以不斷發酵,與台灣社會亟欲為複雜的歷史背景、不斷低落的國際地位等現況覓求心理出口有關。因此,本研究建議應排除「功利」、「價值性」的功能取向去看待王建民現象,用運動美學「真」的立場,摒棄過度看待的「實用性」象徵意義,才能不被媒體操弄,回歸運動欣賞經驗的初心。
The reflection on the idolization of a sports star— A case study of Wang, Chien-Ming Abstract The purpose of this research aims to discover the elements and process of how Wang, Chien-Ming was formed to be a sports star. The study analyzed the related news reports, news comments and related essays of Wang in the point of view of Sociology and Mass Communication, and discussed idolization, reasons and techniques of forming a sports star. The qualitative in-depth interview was used to interview with the instructors in Wang’s growing periods to prove the characteristics of being a sports star and the accuracy of media reports. Some related journalists, merchandise endorsement executives, and merchandise sellers were also invited for the interviews to assist in making the process clear. Moreover, the outcomes of interviews with the sports fans and merchandise consumers helped to analyze the social-psychological elements of the process of forming a sports star. Lastly, the research reflected various social phenomena of Wang’s idolization. The results were as below: 1.The excellent performance of Wang, Chien-Ming was the main element of his idolization, especially playing in the Major League Baseball (MLB). The media intentionally selected Wang’s particular characteristics and reported in agenda-setting theory to increase Wang’s reputation. Therefore, Wang had become cultural merchandise carrying on symbolic meaning of the baseball history and society of Taiwan. The connection between the meaning of merchandise utilized by commercial organizations and the affections resonated from consumers formed his image together. 2.The reflections of the phenomena of Wang, Chien-Ming: the idolization of Wang created some controversial issues which were generally called “Wang phenomena”, including chasing of Wang or even reporting in peepers’ position. The prices of the related merchandise were rising up too much that the ordinary fans couldn’t afford, which might cause controversies of over commercialization. The growing phenomena above are proved to be related to the complicated historical background, dropping national status, and seeking for the mental exit. Therefore, the research suggests that “Wang Phenomena” should be viewed in “pure” aesthetics of sport, instead of functional “utility” and “value” point of view. The symbolic meaning of “practicability” should be abandoned so that people would not be controlled by media and would return to the original intention of sport appreciation. Keywords: Wang, Chien-Ming, sports star, mediasports
The reflection on the idolization of a sports star— A case study of Wang, Chien-Ming Abstract The purpose of this research aims to discover the elements and process of how Wang, Chien-Ming was formed to be a sports star. The study analyzed the related news reports, news comments and related essays of Wang in the point of view of Sociology and Mass Communication, and discussed idolization, reasons and techniques of forming a sports star. The qualitative in-depth interview was used to interview with the instructors in Wang’s growing periods to prove the characteristics of being a sports star and the accuracy of media reports. Some related journalists, merchandise endorsement executives, and merchandise sellers were also invited for the interviews to assist in making the process clear. Moreover, the outcomes of interviews with the sports fans and merchandise consumers helped to analyze the social-psychological elements of the process of forming a sports star. Lastly, the research reflected various social phenomena of Wang’s idolization. The results were as below: 1.The excellent performance of Wang, Chien-Ming was the main element of his idolization, especially playing in the Major League Baseball (MLB). The media intentionally selected Wang’s particular characteristics and reported in agenda-setting theory to increase Wang’s reputation. Therefore, Wang had become cultural merchandise carrying on symbolic meaning of the baseball history and society of Taiwan. The connection between the meaning of merchandise utilized by commercial organizations and the affections resonated from consumers formed his image together. 2.The reflections of the phenomena of Wang, Chien-Ming: the idolization of Wang created some controversial issues which were generally called “Wang phenomena”, including chasing of Wang or even reporting in peepers’ position. The prices of the related merchandise were rising up too much that the ordinary fans couldn’t afford, which might cause controversies of over commercialization. The growing phenomena above are proved to be related to the complicated historical background, dropping national status, and seeking for the mental exit. Therefore, the research suggests that “Wang Phenomena” should be viewed in “pure” aesthetics of sport, instead of functional “utility” and “value” point of view. The symbolic meaning of “practicability” should be abandoned so that people would not be controlled by media and would return to the original intention of sport appreciation. Keywords: Wang, Chien-Ming, sports star, mediasports
王建民, 運動明星, 媒體運動, Wang, Chien-Ming, sports star, mediasports