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中文摘要 在現今的大環境下,由於全球創業風潮的興起,再加上政府鼓勵個人創業、產業創新,使大多數民眾都想自行創業。然而創業機會到處都有,但確並非人人都想創業,其原因為何? 本研究聚焦在創業家人格特質與創業傾向關係的研究,研究對象設定為未創業者,透過更新的創業家人格特質量表META(Measure of Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Abilities),來衡量未創業者的創業家人格特質與創業傾向的關係。 本研究經由問卷施測進行資料收集,透過IBM SPSS22.0統計分析工具進行敍述性統計分析、相關性分析、信度分析、變異數分析及迴歸分析,經過實證結果分析,得到結論為: 1.人口統計變數對未創業者的創業傾向不具有顯著影響性。 2.META量表之四個構面中,前瞻性(EA)與機會主義(EO)對創業傾向具有顯著影響;而創造力(EC)與願景(EV)構面對創業傾向沒有顯著影響。 本研究之結論,可提供給個人做創業評量與組織之人才甄選工具,使組織內具有此特質的開創性、創業型人才能擺放在適當的位置,適才適用以達成組織永續經營的目的。 關鍵字:創業家人格特質、創業家人格特質量表、創業傾向、創業評量
Abstract With the rising of global entrepreneurship trend nowadays and the encouragement from government to self-employed for individual and industrial innovation, which make the majority of people desire to start their own businesses. Nevertheless, some of them still want to be employed in an organization. The study focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurial personality traits and entrepreneurial tendencies. The object of study is targeting to the persons with no their businesses and examine the relationship between entrepreneurial personality traits and entrepreneurial tendencies for being employed with the newer measure, META (Measure of Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Abilities). The data is collected from the questionnaire on-lineand processed with the IBM SPSS22.0 as the tool of statistical analysis to run the results of narrative statistical analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of variance and regression analysis. And the first result has shown that there is no obvious influence on the comparison of demographic variables and entrepreneurial tendencies for the persons still not running their own business. The second result, in terms of four dimensions of META, has indicated that entrepreneurial proactivity and entrepreneurial opportunism are obvious influential on entrepreneurial tendencies, however, entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial vision haven’t shown obvious influences. The conclusion of study can provide as a selective measures for individual and organizations. It can make the persons with innovative, entrepreneurial abilities relocated to the appropriate positions, which can reach the purpose of sustainable development for an organization. Key word: Entrepreneurial personality traits, META, Entrepreneurial tendencies, Measure of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial intention.



創業家人格特質, 創業家人格特質量表, 創業傾向, 創業評量, Entrepreneurial personality traits, META, Entrepreneurial tendencies, Measure of entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial intention





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