

本研究旨在依據設計導向科學(Design-based Science Learning;DBSL)的學習原理,編製六小時籐編製作活動;探討在設計活動後,學生在情意面向的族群認同與對科學的態度之進步情形、認知面向的力學概念之理解情形與技能面向的科學過程技能之使用情形。研究對象為新竹縣某原住民地區八年級學生,施測人數為28名原住民籍學生,其中男生13人;女生15人。在活動進行的六週期間,收集晤談、量表問卷、學期成績、課程引導單等量化與質性資料。其中以「族群認同與對科學的態度」的問卷量表,探討研究對象在設計活動之後族群認同與對科學的態度上的改變情形;以量化的概念試題輔以質性的晤談資料分析,探討研究對象在設計活動之後對「合力」、「力平衡」、「張力」、「摩擦力」等力學概念的理解情形。並以質性的晤談資料分析,瞭解研究對象在設計活動之後在「測量」、「控制變因」、「下操作型定義」等科學過程技能的改變情形。 資料分析結果顯示,以原住民傳統藤編製作為教學主題的設計活動,在族群認同部份讓學生增加對自身身份的認同與投入部落活動的意願,並顯著地提升滴族群認同學生對族群的認同感;在對科學的態度部份也增進學生對科學原理與學校的自然課程的態度,亦能顯著地提升低科學態度學生對科學相關事物的態度。在概念理解部份,以摩擦力與合力兩個概念的理解程度提升的較為明顯,而學生在對張力與力平衡的理解中可知,此兩個概念的學習成長趨勢較小,此結論在量化的概念試題與質性的晤談結果的表現上是一致的。而科學過程技能部份,則從前、後晤談中受訪學生的訪談對話中,發現在設計活動之後在「測量」、「控制變因」與「下操作型定義」三項能力的表現上都有進步的情形,更能主動使用測量的方法來增加實驗觀測的可行性與結果的準確性,以獲得量化數據來進行實驗結果的比較。
Research in aboriginal science education has suggested that science instruction should build a bridge between school science and students’ life experiences. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore how an instructional unit that integrated aboriginal rattan braiding into design-based science learning could promote aboriginal students to learn in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. This study employed a pre- and post-test design and involved one intact class of 28 eighth grade Tayal students. Multiple sources of data, including pre- and post-tests, two sets of questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews, were collected. A quantitative analysis of the pre- and post-tests and questionnaires was conducted through nonparametric statistics and wilcoxon signed ranks test in order to examine the changes of students’ conceptual understandings, ethnic identity, attitudes toward science before and after the instructional unit. A qualitative analysis of interviews was used to assess students’ process skills. Results of this study showed that students’ ethnic identity and attitudes toward science were more positive after the unit, and that the improvement was more significant to students with low-identity and low-attitude. In addition, the results of data analyses suggested that students developed richer conceptual understanding of friction and combined force. According to students’ interview responses, their process skills in measuring, controlling variables, and providing operational definitions were also promoted. To conclude, this study may be of important to aboriginal science education by providing an effective instructional approach to learning science.



原住民科學教育, 族群認同, 科學態度, 過程技能, 力學概念, 設計導向科學, Aboriginal Science Education, Ethnic Identity, Attitudes toward Science, Process Skills, Mechanics, Design-based Science Learning

