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本研究旨在探討糖尿病患之不同背景變項在休閒活動參與和生活品質之差異情形,採取問卷調查法,以立意抽樣方式針對北區某醫學中心門診糖尿病患者進行調查,共計發放300份問卷,其中有效問卷為217份。本研究依據相關文獻與理論回顧,編製「休閒活動參與量表」以及國內學者共同編製之「台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷( WHOQOL-BREF )」進行施測。資料回收整理之後以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行處理。 研究結果如下:一、糖尿病受訪者大都居住在北部地區,男女比例相當(1.1:1.0),以61-70歲且已婚有子女為主,教育水準以大專院校(含)以上者最多,職業別又以服務業(商)較多,休閒活動以每次平均消費1,001~5,000元為主,而持續1-2小時居多、偶而不固定參與者最多,個人意願為其參與休閒活動之主要動機,有家人陪伴同行為主要形式,個人自覺健康狀況大多感受不好亦不壞,但多認為糖尿病對健康狀況會有一些影響,罹病時間又以10年(含)以下為主。二、糖尿病受試者最常從事的休閒活動以戶外類型為主,社交類、媒體類也不少,嗜好習性類與文化類較少,參與率最低的則是運動類型的休閒活動。三、不同背景變項的糖尿病受訪者在休閒活動參與和生活品質上部份達顯著差異。四、在休閒活動參與和生活品質的相關部份,兩者呈現顯著正相關,即休閒活動參與度越高者,其生活品質滿意程度也越佳。五、休閒活動參與的多寡並不會影響糖化血色素的高低值;但糖化血色素值愈低者,其對生活品質的環境層面與整體層面愈呈現滿意狀態。 本研究最後提出結論與建議,冀望研究成果可以做為該醫學中心與其他相關單位,以及後續對糖尿病患休閒參與和生活品質關係之相關研究的參考依據。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the leisure participation and life quality for DM patients in a northern medical center. A convenient sampling survey was undertaken among 300 DM patients from a northern medical center, and there were 217 valid samples. This study adopted articles and theories which used “leisure participation scale” and “life quality scale” to match for investigation. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The results indicated that: 1. Most of the DM participants lived in the northern area. The sex ratio between male and female was 1.1 vs 1.0. Their age ranged nearly from 61 to 70 and the marital status are married with children at major. The highest education of these patients received was college or university at large. The occupation category of these patients was mainly service (business) industry. The average consumption of leisure activities for each was from NT$1,001 to NT$5,000 primarily, mostly for 1-2 hours, occasional and not fixed participation was in the majority. Personal desire was their main motive for leisure and with families accompany was the major type. The self-conscious of these patients on their health condition mostly felt neither good nor bad, however, the majority felt DM had a certain impact on their health condition. The ill time was below 10 years almost all. 2. The leisure activities that DM participants took part in mostly was outdoor activities, following was social intercourse or mass media ones. Less participants favored educational or cultural activities. The lowest participated leisure activity type was sports. 3. There were partial significant differences in leisure participation and life quality on different demographics. 4. There were significant positive correlations between leisure participation and life quality, and it meant that the DM participants who had higher degree of leisure participation would also have higher degree of life quality. 5. The amount of leisure participation did not affect the level of Hemoglobin A1c values, But the DM participants who had lower of Hemoglobin A1c would also had higher satisfaction on life quality of environment and overall aspects. This study also supported some suggestions for the northern medical center, other related patients﹑parties, and future research.



糖尿病, 休閒參與, 生活品質, 糖化血色素, Diabetes mellitus, Leisure participation, Quality of life, Hemoglobin Alc

