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本研究之目的為利用方法目的鏈瞭解臺灣籃球鞋消費者的運動涉入與消費行為,並進一步探討兩者間的關係。方法目的鏈量表是利用階梯訪談法來進行訪談,將訪談內容利用內容分析法編製出問卷內容,消費者籃球運動涉入程度量表編製是參考McIntrye (1989)、林子揚(2009)、戴琇惠(2010)等學者對測量涉入程度構面所編製而成。訪談對象為近一年有購買過籃球鞋的籃球運動參與者,共訪談20位;問卷發放對象為近三年有購買過籃球鞋的籃球運動參與者,共發放600份,回收有效問卷566份。研究結果發現:一、籃球鞋消費者以20~29歲男性大專院校學生為主,月收入多為10,000元以下,每週參與籃球運動次數以1~2次為主,可以接受購買一雙籃球鞋的價格以2,001~3,000元為主,最近三年購買過幾雙籃球鞋以2雙為最多。二、不同每週打籃球頻率以及不同可以接受籃球鞋價格在產品屬性的重視程度上有顯著差異。不同每週打籃球頻率、不同可接受籃球鞋價格與不同最近三年購買過幾雙籃球鞋在消費結果的重視程度上有顯著差異。不同可接受籃球鞋價格與不同最近三年購買過幾雙籃球鞋在個人價值的重視程度上有顯著差異。不同每週打籃球頻率、不同可接受籃球鞋價格與不同最近三年購買過幾雙籃球鞋在籃球運動涉入程度的同意程度上有顯著差異。三、不同籃球運動涉入程度的籃球鞋消費者在產品屬性、消費結果與個人價值上的各個構面都會產生顯著的差異。四、籃球鞋的「產品屬性」會對「消費結果」產生正相關的影響,「產品屬性」與「消費結果」也會對「個人價值」產生正相關影響。籃球運動的「涉入程度」會對籃球鞋的「產品屬性」、「消費結果」與「個人價值」產生正相關的影響,顯示籃球運動涉入程度與方法目的鏈各鏈結間會有正相關的存在。本研究之結果,期能提供籃球鞋業者擬定行銷策略之參考,消費者也能藉此瞭解籃球鞋消費的最終追求的價值為何。
The purpose of this research is using Means-End Chain to understand sport involvement and consumer behavior in terms of basketball shoes purchasers in Taiwan, and further discusses their relationship. The Means-End Chain uses laddering to conduct the interview and the questionnaire is based on the content of interview by means of content analysis method. Moreover, the measure of sport involvement for basketball shoes purchaser is based on these references of McIntrye (1989), Lin Tzu Yang(2009) and Tai Hsiu Hui(2010) on the research of measure involvement dimension. The interviewees are mainly aimed at the basketball players who have ever purchased basketball shoes within one year. There are 20 interviewees involvement in this research. In addition, this research released 600 questionnaires in total for the subject of basketball involvement who has ever bought basketball shoes within three years. There are 566 questionnaires are valid. Firstly, the result of this research shows the basketball purchaser is mainly 20 to 29 years old university male students. And most of these students get their monthly income less than 10000 dollars. Besides, they usually play basketball 1 to 2 times per week, and they are affordable to purchase one pair of 2,001 to 3,000 dollars basketball shoes. Moreover, the maximized amounts of purchased basketball shoes for these university male students are two pairs within three years. Secondly, different frequency on playing basketball weekly,the acceptance of product specialty reflect great discrepancy on the basketball shoes's prices.The importance of purchasing results has great discrepancy on buying basketball shoes in the past 3 years. The importance of personal value shows great discrepancy on price acceptance and buying how many shoes in the past 3 years. The involvment of basketball reflects great discrepancy on frequency of playing basketball weekly, acceptance of shoe's prices and how many shoes has bought in the past 3 years.Thirdly, different level of basketball involvement to basketball shoes consumers lead to obvious diversity on products properties, consumption feedback and personal value.Fourth, the products properties of basketball shoes and consumption feedback are positively related. In addition, the products properties and consumption feedback are positively related to personal value. Obviously, these results are correspond with Means-End Chain which proposed by Gutman in 1982. To sum up, the measure of basketball involvement results in the positive effect on products properties, consumption feedback and personal value. It means the measure of basketball involvement and Means-End Chain is positively related. This research is expected to provide practical suggestions for basketball shoes retailers on marketing strategy. Furthermore, consumers can realize the real value of basketball expenditure.



方法目的鏈, 運動涉入, Means-End Chain, Sports involvement





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