為了瞭解應用創作性戲劇應用於國民小學國語文課程進行之可行途徑、課程設計方式、學生學習情形,以五年級學童共 33 人為研究對象,採行動研究方式,進行為期十二週,二十七節課之教學。透過和學生、觀察教師之對談並佐以量表的分析,瞭解了學童在接受創作性戲劇教學後,對口語流暢力確有提升之效益。
This research attempt to explore the creative drama methods in the teaching of Mandarin Chinese curriculum, and examine the teaching processes whether it could improve pupils’ speaking fluency. This research applied the methods of action research in order to understand the possibility of applying of creative drama in the domain study of Mandarin Chinese, the lessen plan, and pupils learning conditions. Thirty-three of the fifth-grade students participated in this research. It took 12 weeks of a series courses teaching in the classroom. Through the discussing with the students and the observing teachers, and using the quantitative analysis, the researcher learned that students’ speaking fluency has much improved through the creative drama activities. The conclusion as the following: A.The processes of this action research proved that the creative drama activities applying in the teaching Mandarin Chinese is really practical. B.The creative drama activities can promote students’ speaking fluency. C.Through the action research, the researcher could develop his/her creative drama teaching techniques. Finally, the researcher suggests that the teachers not only could apply the creative drama teaching in promoting students speaking fluency in Mandarin Chinese curriculum, but also could develop the teaching methods in other field of study.
This research attempt to explore the creative drama methods in the teaching of Mandarin Chinese curriculum, and examine the teaching processes whether it could improve pupils’ speaking fluency. This research applied the methods of action research in order to understand the possibility of applying of creative drama in the domain study of Mandarin Chinese, the lessen plan, and pupils learning conditions. Thirty-three of the fifth-grade students participated in this research. It took 12 weeks of a series courses teaching in the classroom. Through the discussing with the students and the observing teachers, and using the quantitative analysis, the researcher learned that students’ speaking fluency has much improved through the creative drama activities. The conclusion as the following: A.The processes of this action research proved that the creative drama activities applying in the teaching Mandarin Chinese is really practical. B.The creative drama activities can promote students’ speaking fluency. C.Through the action research, the researcher could develop his/her creative drama teaching techniques. Finally, the researcher suggests that the teachers not only could apply the creative drama teaching in promoting students speaking fluency in Mandarin Chinese curriculum, but also could develop the teaching methods in other field of study.
創作性戲劇, 口語流暢力, 國語文領域, Creative drama, speaking fluency, the domain study of Mandarin Chinese