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本研究旨在瞭解特殊教育學校教師休閒運動需求與阻礙之相關情形,以特殊教育學校中教師為研究對象,透過自編之「特殊教育學校教師休閒運動需求量表及特殊教育學校教師休閒運動阻礙量表」為工具實施調查。共計發出問卷239 份,回收有效問卷225份(94.14%)。有效問卷以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行資料處理。
一、 特殊教育學校教師在休閒運動的需求中以「發洩情感」構面最高,其次為「身心健康」,「表現成就需求」為最低。在休閒運動的阻礙中以「結構性阻礙」構面最高,其依序為「人際間阻礙」、「個人內在阻礙」為最低。
二、 特殊教育學校教師在休閒運動需求各構面與休閒運動阻礙各構面均有正相關, 並達顯著性差異。在休閒運動阻礙各構面程度愈低者, 其在休閒運動需求各構面則需求愈低。
三、 不同「性別」、「擔任職務」等在休閒運動需求達顯著差異。
四、 不同「性別」、「學校規模」等在休閒運動阻礙達顯著差異。
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the correlations between the needs for recreational sports and constraints hindering participating in among the teaching and administrative staffs in the schools of special education. The questionnaire, Investigation on the Needs for and the Constraints on Recreational Sports Participation of Teaching and Administrative Staffs in the Schools of Special education, was used. 239 questionnaires were distributed while 230(96.23%)retrieved, among which 225 were considered valid (94.14%). Several statistics methods, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation, were utilized for analyses. The research outcomes are listed as follows: 1. Among the needs for recreational sports, “to give vent to personal feelings” is the primary factor, followed by “to enhance physical and mental health”, while “to acquire the sense of accomplishment” the last. As for the constraints preventing the subjects from participating in recreational sports, “Structural constraints” is the primary reason, followed by “Interpersonal constraints”, while “Personal constraints” the last. 2. Between the needs and the constraints for recreational sports, positive correlation was found.Therefore, the lower the degree of constraints participating in recreational sports , the lower the needs for. 3. Genders and posts of the subjects for the needs of recreational sports showed significant differences. 4. Genders and school sizes for the constraints of recreational sports showed significant differences.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the correlations between the needs for recreational sports and constraints hindering participating in among the teaching and administrative staffs in the schools of special education. The questionnaire, Investigation on the Needs for and the Constraints on Recreational Sports Participation of Teaching and Administrative Staffs in the Schools of Special education, was used. 239 questionnaires were distributed while 230(96.23%)retrieved, among which 225 were considered valid (94.14%). Several statistics methods, such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation, were utilized for analyses. The research outcomes are listed as follows: 1. Among the needs for recreational sports, “to give vent to personal feelings” is the primary factor, followed by “to enhance physical and mental health”, while “to acquire the sense of accomplishment” the last. As for the constraints preventing the subjects from participating in recreational sports, “Structural constraints” is the primary reason, followed by “Interpersonal constraints”, while “Personal constraints” the last. 2. Between the needs and the constraints for recreational sports, positive correlation was found.Therefore, the lower the degree of constraints participating in recreational sports , the lower the needs for. 3. Genders and posts of the subjects for the needs of recreational sports showed significant differences. 4. Genders and school sizes for the constraints of recreational sports showed significant differences.
特殊教育學校教師, 休閒運動阻礙, 休閒運動需求, teachers in the schools of special education, needs for recreational sports, constraints on recreational sports participation