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現今越來越多旅客使用航空 App,而航空 App 共包含資訊導向、銷售服務、附加服務、進階服務與其他服務等五大類功能。本研究旨在探討台灣航空 App 使用者的功能偏好及對功能表現之滿意度,因此,以使用過航空 App 之民眾為研究對象,研究方法結合紙本問卷及網路問卷調查法,以便利抽樣方式進行問卷發放。在 2018 年 4 月 19 日至2018 年 5 月 10 日,於桃園國際機場機場第一航廈進行發放紙本問卷,網路問卷則於網路社群平台進行發放,共計有效問卷為 505 份,其中有效紙本問卷為 199 份,有效網路問卷為 306 份,資料回收後以重要度-績效表現分析 (Importance Performance Analysis, IPA) 進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,使用者認為機場指南、交資訊、聯繫資訊與行李追蹤等四項為重要性高但滿意度低之功能,其中以資訊導向構面功能項目最多,航空公司應首要致力於改善這些功能,以提升使用者之滿意度;另外,共計十四項為重要度低且滿意度也低之功能,以附加服務構面功能項目最多,為航空公司次要改善之部分。此外,本研究亦針對研究結果提出實質建議,可供航空公司在航空 App 改善之參考。
Nowadays more and more people would use Airline Apps when they travel. There are five major functions on the airline app, including “information orientation”, “sales service”, “additional services”, “advanced services” and “other services”. This study aimed to explore the function preferences and satisfactions of airline app from Taiwan users. The research method applied questionnaires survey to investigate the airline app users’ opinions. Totally 505 valid questionnaires was received, including 199 face to face questionnaires and 306 online questionnaire. The data were analyzed by the technique of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results of the study shows that “Airport guides”, “Traffic information”, “Contact information” and “Baggage tracking” are the most important but low-satisfaction features. Among them, the most Information-oriented facet function projects, airlines should focus on improving these functions to improve the satisfaction of airline app users. A total of 14 items are low-importance and low-satisfaction features, with the most service-added features, which are the secondary improvement of the airlines. In addition, this study also provided substantive recommendations form the research results, which can be used as a reference for airlines to improve their aviation applications.



航空 App, 重要度-績效表現分析 (IPA), Airline App, Importance Performance Analysis

