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研究方法主要採用問卷調查法,以新北市國民小學之教師為研究對象,以研究者編製之「新北市國民小學書法教育實施現況之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,並以立意抽樣的方式抽取受試者,總共發放63所學校271份問卷,有效問卷為205份,有效回收率為75.6%。再進一步以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、與Kendall's W係數等統計方法,進行資料分析並獲致以下主要結論:
The research was aimed to explore the implement action effectiveness, difficulties, solutions of calligraphy education of elementary schools in New Taipei City. The survey research method was used to collect pertinent data, and the questionnaire “The Research Questionnaire on the actualities of Elementary Schools in New Taipei City” was administered as a tool. By purposive sampling, 271 questionnaires were distributed among 58 schools with 205 valid questionnaires, having an effective rate of 74.6%. Furthermore, descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA analysis, Kendall's w test were used to analyze the data. The conclusions were follows: 1.The materials of instruction for calligraphy teaching are chosen commonly published by private sector, the teaching materials edit by New Taipei City is the second choice. Most Teachers considered that the materials of instruction are suitable. 2.Calligraphy teaching mostly takes the “Language Art teaching time.” The time for running the calligraphy teaching comes mainly one class per week. The most common way of correcting that teachers used is “to give guidance in classroom and quiz correct. 3.The implement effective of calligraphy education is at medium level; there is a significant difference in perspectives on the implement effective from teachers in elementary schools in New Taipei City of different “position” and“professional.” 4.Teachers considered that the most difficulty of calligraphy education in New Taipei City is “the number of teaching periods were not specified”, and the most difficulty of calligraphy teaching for teacher is “lack of writing skills.” 5.The solutions for calligraphy education in New Taipei City are “to specify the number of teaching periods” and “training of specialized teachers in calligraphy, establishment of specialty certification system. When teaching calligraphy encountered problems, most teachers considered that “the problem is not solving currently.” Based on the conclusions, the research was to propose some suggestions for Educational Authority concerned, schools, and further researchers respectively.
The research was aimed to explore the implement action effectiveness, difficulties, solutions of calligraphy education of elementary schools in New Taipei City. The survey research method was used to collect pertinent data, and the questionnaire “The Research Questionnaire on the actualities of Elementary Schools in New Taipei City” was administered as a tool. By purposive sampling, 271 questionnaires were distributed among 58 schools with 205 valid questionnaires, having an effective rate of 74.6%. Furthermore, descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA analysis, Kendall's w test were used to analyze the data. The conclusions were follows: 1.The materials of instruction for calligraphy teaching are chosen commonly published by private sector, the teaching materials edit by New Taipei City is the second choice. Most Teachers considered that the materials of instruction are suitable. 2.Calligraphy teaching mostly takes the “Language Art teaching time.” The time for running the calligraphy teaching comes mainly one class per week. The most common way of correcting that teachers used is “to give guidance in classroom and quiz correct. 3.The implement effective of calligraphy education is at medium level; there is a significant difference in perspectives on the implement effective from teachers in elementary schools in New Taipei City of different “position” and“professional.” 4.Teachers considered that the most difficulty of calligraphy education in New Taipei City is “the number of teaching periods were not specified”, and the most difficulty of calligraphy teaching for teacher is “lack of writing skills.” 5.The solutions for calligraphy education in New Taipei City are “to specify the number of teaching periods” and “training of specialized teachers in calligraphy, establishment of specialty certification system. When teaching calligraphy encountered problems, most teachers considered that “the problem is not solving currently.” Based on the conclusions, the research was to propose some suggestions for Educational Authority concerned, schools, and further researchers respectively.
國民小學, 書法教育, 書法教學, elementary schools, calligraphy education, calligraphy teaching