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['電視購物產業造就了購物專家這個職業,不論業外業內,表現亮眼、業績優異的人,年收入往往上看數百萬以上,很令人羨慕,也造成更多人心之嚮往、趨之若鶩。看似名利雙收的職業,卻是個高壓力且極為高挑戰的工作,非一般人輕易即能上手及駕馭。誰可以當個成功的購物專家? 需要具備哪些特質的人適合這個工作,這是本研究要深入探討的問題。\n本研究採用質性研究訪談模式,進行方式則運用研究對象設定、訪談大綱擬定後進行對話訪談,並針對三位研究訪談對象記錄下所有的訪談內容。本研究經過彙整分析歸納後,共區分為二大特質,外顯特質及內隱特質,共12項。\n最後,依據研究結果提出研究建議,針對購物專家的特質對應於工作上,有二大項建議:第一大項是實務上的建議,分為二個部分來說明,(一) 購物專家的形象面 (二)購物專家的銷售面。第二大項是針對未來研究的建議。\n']
['The TV shopping industry has created a new career as a Show Host. No matter at work or in life, those who outstanding and perform well often have an annual income of more than millions and make it a glamorous job for many people. Though it looks like a career with both fame and fortune yet it is a highly stressful and extremely challenging job, not everyone can handle it easily. What Makes a Successful Show Host? Those are explored in this article.\nIn this study, a qualitative research interview mode was used, the way of conducting the research, first step is the research object settings then made interviews after outlines an interview guide, and record all the interview content for the three interview objects. After the research is summarized and analyzed, it can be divided into two special features; explicit traits and implicit traits, a total of 12 items.\nFinally, based on the results from this study, some recommendations are suggested. The characteristics of the Show Host correspond to the work, there are two major recommendations, and the first is the practical recommendations, which are divided into two parts to explain; (1) The image of the Show Host. (2) The sales side of the Show Host. The second recommendations are for future research.\n']
['The TV shopping industry has created a new career as a Show Host. No matter at work or in life, those who outstanding and perform well often have an annual income of more than millions and make it a glamorous job for many people. Though it looks like a career with both fame and fortune yet it is a highly stressful and extremely challenging job, not everyone can handle it easily. What Makes a Successful Show Host? Those are explored in this article.\nIn this study, a qualitative research interview mode was used, the way of conducting the research, first step is the research object settings then made interviews after outlines an interview guide, and record all the interview content for the three interview objects. After the research is summarized and analyzed, it can be divided into two special features; explicit traits and implicit traits, a total of 12 items.\nFinally, based on the results from this study, some recommendations are suggested. The characteristics of the Show Host correspond to the work, there are two major recommendations, and the first is the practical recommendations, which are divided into two parts to explain; (1) The image of the Show Host. (2) The sales side of the Show Host. The second recommendations are for future research.\n']
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