
dc.contributorTan, Tien-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Shu-Fanen_US
dc.description.abstract「振興棒球運動總計畫」是體委會在2010年制定的運動政策,共投入20億2,500萬元經費,為臺灣棒球運動政策寫下新頁。此計畫導因是中華成棒代表隊在2008年北京奧運以及2009年經典賽資格賽,兩度兵敗中國,再加上「黑米事件」及「黑象事件」等職棒簽賭案爆發,使得棒球發展備受考驗。因此有球迷在2009年11月發起一連串抗爭行動並走上街頭,倡議政府解決問題;總統馬英九回應其訴求並召開「棒球國是座談會」,當場指示行政院組成專案小組,由體委會作為主要負責的政策幕僚。在公部門部分,納入教育部、內政部、法務部及財政部等單位;在非政府組織部份,則有中華職棒大聯盟、四支職棒球團、中華民國棒球協會、職棒球員工會、專家及球迷等共同參與制定政策,進而催生「振興棒球運動總計畫」。本研究旨在瞭解政策制定過程中社群成員的權力互動過程。以Rhodes (1997) 的政策社群途徑與中國學者趙德余 (2011) 的政策決策模式作為本研究分析依據,並採用半結構式的訪談及內容分析法作進行此一研究。研究結果發現,首先,「振興棒球運動總計畫」的制定政策社群,其參與者資格受限,是由體委會提出社群成員名單再由總統及行政院副院長賦予與會的合法地位。其次,社群成員間互動頻率高,定期召開相關會議,私下也有互動。再者,資源分配為交換關係。最後,權力運作模式中,由於行政院具有把關政策內容的決策權力,政策社群成員在會議中雖然能夠充分表達意見,但最後決定權仍在於行政院;因此,在制定過程中,「垂直」的命令與說服的現象,比「水平」的協商更為顯著。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 2010, the Sports Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan budgeted 2 billion and 25 million NT dollars for the ‘Baseball Reinvigoration Plan’, which turned a new page of Taiwan’s baseball policy. The ‘Baseball Reinvigoration Plan’ originated from a series of events. In 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2009 World Baseball Classic (WBC) qualification round, Chinese Taipei lost to China for the first and the second time ever, which were intolerable for people in Taiwan. To make matters worse, the involvement of professional baseball players in gambling scandals, the so-called ‘Black T-Rex Scandals’ and ‘Black Elephant Scandals’, had challenged the development of baseball in Taiwan. In response to the intolerable failures in international games and the scandals of professional league, baseball fans in Taiwan hit the streets and protested against the government in November, 2009, urging the authority to solve the problems occurred in Taiwan’s baseball development. As responses, President Ying-Jeou Ma held the ‘National Affairs Conference on Baseball’ and ordered the Executive Yuan to form an ad hoc group with the SAC in charge. The ‘Baseball Reinvigoration Plan’ was made together by both public sectors and non-governmental organizations. The involved public sectors included the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Finance. The non-governmental organizations included the Chinese Professional Baseball League, the four professional baseball teams, the Chinese Taipei Baseball Association, the Taiwan Professional Baseball Players Association, experts, and representatives of baseball fans. This study aims at investigating the interaction among the policy community in the policymaking process with the approach of policy community by Rhodes (2007) and the policy decision mode by Zhao (2011). Semi-structured interviews and content analysis were undertaken to collect research data. The findings of this research are as follows. First, the members of the policymaking community of the Baseball Reinvigoration Plan was firstly nominated by the Sports Affairs Council, and then recognized by the President and the Vice Premier of the Executive Yuan. The qualification for entering the policy community was thus limited. Second, there were frequent interactions among members of the policy community. Meetings were called regularly, and sometimes they also had unofficial meetings. Besides, the resources of different members’ in the policy community were exchanged with one another. As for the exercise of power, the Executive Yuan had the decision power over policy. The members in the policy community might have the right to speak in the meetings, but the Executive Yuan had the last word on the resolutions. Therefore, during the policymaking process, direct orders and unilateral persuasion were more frequently seen than mutual negotiations.en_US
dc.subjectsport policyen_US
dc.subjectpolicy communityen_US
dc.subjectBaseball Reinvigoration Planen_US
dc.titleSports Policy Community Relationship in Taiwan – The Case of Baseball Reinvigoration Plan's Policymaking Processen_US

