酒店業主與中國酒店管理集團的委託關係研究 —以D酒店為例

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本次研究旨在對中國酒店業主與酒店管理集團的委託經營關係進行探究。從酒店委託經營模式的起源“利潤共用租賃”方式開始,進一步瞭解委託經營模式的演進與變化,和世界範圍內如美國、日本、英國等國家的發展與應用。對中國酒店業的發展實際進行闡述,並就中國酒店委託經營的發展歷程和現狀進行探究,瞭解目前中國幾家大型酒店管理集團的現狀,並對未來的發展提出建議。 本次研究主要通過文獻研究、訪問設計、實例分析的方式展開,運用資料和對比的方式進行研究。首先從委託經營相關文獻資料開始,特別是對委託合同進行深入研究,無論是合同的談判、訂立以及後續的執行和解除都指出方向。後又對酒店業及委託經營問題頗有研究的學者和部分從業人士進行走訪,獲得相關資訊,總結出決定委託經營方式成敗的影響因素。最後參考 D 酒店的具體實例,從委託經營前的狀況,到委託經營後的情況,並進行業績的直接對比;同時,也對實際委託經營中遇到的矛盾與衝突進行了分析。通過上述研究,對酒店委託經營方式的潛在問題與優劣勢進行分析總結,並最終形成結論,解答了預先設計的幾個相關問題,包括酒店委託經營的優勢與劣勢、業主選擇酒店管理集團和在委託經營過程應考慮的因素、如何建立長效溝通機制規避矛盾等。研究成果期望對未來酒店業主在選擇委託經營模式時提供參考依據。研究過程中,儘量選取近五年以來的資料,避免重理論輕實踐,實現研究成果最大化。
This study is aimed to explore the entrusted management model between hotel owners and hotel management groups in China. It starts from introducing the origin of hotel entrusted management, known as “profit sharing”, to investigating the evolution and application of the entrusted management model around the world, such as in United States, Japan, UK and the other countries. This study also expounds on the development history of China's hotel industry, its current development, the status-quo of Chinese hotel entrusted management models, and put forth suggestions for future development. This study is done mainly through literature research, interview design, case analysis approach, and utilizing of large amount of data. First of all, it investigates entrusted management related literature material, especially entrusted management agreement, including contract negotiation, execution and termination. Then interviews with several scholars and practitioners, to acquire relevant information and conclude the influence factors of success or failure of the business model. Finally, referring to the specific example of D hotel, it compares between the situations before and after the hotel applied entrusted management, including analyzing practical management problems and contradictions that were encountered during the period. Through the research stated above, the potential problems in the hotel entrusted management model and analysis of its pros and cons are summarized, and the designated questions of the study can finally be solved, including the advantages and disadvantages of hotel entrusted management, what factors hotel owners should consider about when choosing a hotel management group and during entrusted management process, and how to establish effective communication to avoid contradiction, etc. Results of this study have not only theoretical value, but also practical significance for hotel owners when choosing the entrusted management model as direction in the future. The research selects data within the current five years, which also effectively avoids the shortcomings of theoretical papers, to achieve maximum potential of the research.



物業業主, 酒店管理集團, 委託經營合同, 委託管理, Hotel Owner, Hotels Group, Management Contract, Entrusted Management





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