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  本研究以流水學習法( Flow Learning)作為教材研發的理論基礎,以陽明山國家公園內步道、人文、生態等自然景觀與資源為主題,研發一套環境解說教材。以實驗研究法中的「單組前後測設計」( The one-group pretest-posttest design)進行資料收集,旨在探討國中生於環境解說教材前後對環境保護態度、環境保護行為與環境保護知識的改變情形。研究對象為新北市某公立國中七年級童軍團的學生,採自願參加,有效樣本共45人。研究工具包括以流水學習法設計之環境保護解說教材、環境保護態度量表、環境保護行為量表與環境保護知識量表等。經採用成對t考驗(Paired t-test)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)分析與逐步多元迴歸(Stepwise Multiple Regression)等統計分析技術,進行量化資料分析。研究結果顯示環境保護解說教材前後學生在環境保護態度上的改變(t=5.42 , p<0.001)、環境保護行為上的改變(t=6.52 , p<0.001)、以及環境保護知識上的改變(t=3.61 , p<0.001) 達顯著,亦即環境保護解說教材能有效增進國中生的環境保護態度、環境保護行為及環境保護知識。再以逐步多元迴歸分析,發現環境保護行為的改變(Y)與環境保護態度的改變(X1) 的迴歸方程式為Y = 0.643X1 + 4.563,表示學生在環境保護行為的改變上可由環境保護態度的改變來預測。也就是若想達到改變學生環境保護的行為,可經由改變學生環境保護態度來達成。此研究發現可以做為未來發展環境解說相關課程的參考。
This research is based on Flow-Learning method to develop a set of teaching materials for the topic of environmental protection regarding the subject of the natural environment and resources in Yangmingshan National Park, such as footpaths, animals, and ecology. The researcher collects data though the experimentation, the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, with the aim to explore the transformation of the junior high school students' environmental attitude, environmental behavior, and environmental knowledge before and after using the teaching materials. The subjects of the research are the voluntary seventh graders of the scouts group in a public junior high school in New Taipei City, 45 of which are as the effective sample. The research tools designed in the study include teaching materials for the interpretation of environmental protection, the questionnaire of attitude toward environment, the questionnaire of environmental behavior, and the environmental knowledge test. The quantitative data analysis is conducted by utilizing the statistic methods: paired- t test, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. The result reveals a marked transformation of the subjects' attitude toward environment (t=5.42 , p<0.001), environmental behavior(t=6.52 , p<0.001), and environmental knowledge(t=3.61 , p<0.001), which means that the teaching materials are capable of promoting junior high school students' attitude toward environment, environmental behavior, and environmental knowledge. Moreover, on account of the regression formula formed by the transformation of environmental behavior(Y) and that of environmental attitude(X1) through the analysis of stepwise multiple regression, the research also shows thatthe transformation of environmental behavior can be predicted from that of environmental attitude. In another word, to change students' environmental behavior, we should change their environmental attitude. The findings from this research can be a reference for the development of the environmental courses and relative studies.



環境解說, 流水學習法, 環境保護態度, 環境保護行為, 環境保護知識





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