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The "debate on elegant and unrefined taste" originated form the cultural idea in Western Zhou dynasty. This idea represents the value of suppressing human nature and returning to morals. In literary criticism, "elegant taste and unrefined taste debate" usually implies disagreement with works that deviate from "golden media." Du Fu's poems have very high reputation in classic Chinese literature. However, his poems are criticized for being unrefined sometimes. Yang Yi in early Song Dynasty once called Du Fu a "scholar in the village" with sarcasm. It shows poets whose work use elegant and elaborate language despised Du Fu's unrefined poems. fterwards, Huang Ting Jian and other writers appreciated Du Fu for "transforming unrefined language into elegance," which replaced the trend of "pursuing elegance but actually becoming unnatural instead." Moreover, Du Fu's poems leave an issue of being unrefined and inelegant for discussion in poetry criticism based on Aesthetics. They pointed out the poets' understanding of the world is the principle for the debate on elegance and inelegance. Wang Fuzhi judged poems based on the idea of Pratyrsa and the principle of the universe. He held the belief that Du Fu's poems did not have sufficient understanding about the universe and nature, and over expressed personal thoughts and feelings of the poet himself, which ruined the beauty and purity of poems, and therefore Wang regarded Du Fu's poems unrefined. He was against Du Fu's poems by saying "unconventional color purple takes over orthodox color red." Du Fu's poems were regarded as doctrines by the public, Wang however thought this made the real poems cannot be widespread and be passed down. Criticizing Du Fu's poems for being "unrefined" is not despiteful simply. It shows the transition and argument over poetry aesthetics.



