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王艮,原名銀,字汝止,號心齋,泰州安豐場(今江蘇東臺)人,生於明憲宗成化十九年(1483年),卒於世宗嘉靖十九年(1541年),年五十八歲,著有《王心齋先生全集》。心齋出身世代以製鹽為生的手工業家庭,名曰「灶戶」,社會地位低下,倍受朝廷歧視,他七歲入私塾,十一歲輟學,自云:「貧乏束脩資出。」僅僅讀了四年書便因家貧輟學了,黃宗羲云:「(心齋)從父商於山東,常銜《孝經》、《論語》、《大學》袖中,逢人質難,久而信口談解,如或啓之。」後來他自學有成,從經典中悟出心得,時逢王陽明任江西巡撫,講良知之學,心齋前往拜訪論學,兩人答辯數次,大為嘆服,遂伏首稱弟子,拜入陽明門下。陽明歿世後,心齋回鄉講學,門生遍天下,形成「泰州學派」,黃宗羲云:「陽明而下,以辯才推龍溪,然有信有不信,惟先生於眉睫之間,省覺人最多。」又云:「陽明先生之學,有泰州、龍溪而風行天下。」可見心齋之學風行流傳,於當代、後世皆造成巨大的影響。 心齋學說之所以影響晚明甚鉅,細究其因,或與他熱衷於講學不無關係,凡心齋所到之處無不沿途聚講,對象遍及社會各階層,漁夫、陶匠、樵子皆不拒,所講內容不外「百姓日用即道」,予人親近生活、易於達成之感,頗有「鼓動人心」之效,王一庵回憶昔年心齋講學盛況,說道:「天生我師,崛起海濱,慨然獨悟,直超孔子,直指人心,然後愚夫俗子,不識一字之人,皆知自性自靈,不假見聞,不煩口耳,而兩千年不傳之消息,一朝復明。」此言正好點出心齋之學蓬勃發展的現象,以及「直指人心」的學術特色。由心齋創建的「泰州學派」,自創派始便帶著賁張躍動的狂放色彩,嵇文甫云:「泰州學派是王學的極左派,王學的自由解放精神,王學的狂者精神,到泰州學派才發揮盡致。這個學派王心齋發其端,中經徐波石、顏山農、何心隱、羅近溪……等,發皇光大,一代勝似一代。」泰州學人狂放不羈的行為,往往被目為「情欲解放」、「思想革新」的重要推手,幾乎席捲整個時代。身為晚明最活躍的學術流派,對我國文化、思想造成了重大的影響,又在《明儒學案》中佔據了大量篇幅的「泰州學派」,目前學術界對它的研究與關注並不夠豐富,這和泰州學派的巨大影響很不相襯。 一般認為心齋突破孟子以來「舍生取義」的傳統,頗具爭議的「明哲保身」與「淮南格物」之說,提出「尊身貴體」的論題,認為血肉形軀是吾人行道的載體,一旦消失不存,便無法將道德躬踐於世,使善的價值極大化。然而武斷地將心齋之「身」等同於大腦以下各種知覺器官,亦不甚正確,如此則是把「身」視為血肉形軀,把「心」視為精神主體,使得「身/心關係」成為兩個對等而不同的概念。筆者以為心齋論「身」除了形軀義之外,同時兼有精神義,二者不可割裂,並非身之外別有一心,更非要吾人在心上做工夫之外再安養形軀。心齋之「身」是一內外兼容、本末具含的「全我」,是一身心不二、充滿靈氣與血氣的「人」,故筆者擬以《王心齋「安身」思想研究》為題,梳理心齋對身體之詮釋,再論心齋的修養工夫,探討如何成聖的修養進路、以及如何在現世裡安頓生命等問題,方能賦予心齋相應的哲學意義與哲學價值。
It is generally believed that Wang Hsin-Chai of the late Ming Dynasty broke through the tradition of"she sheng chyu yi" since Mencius, the controversial theories of "ming che pao shen" and "huai nanke wu", and put forward the thesis of "tsun shen kuei ti". If it disappears and does not exist, it is impossible to practice morality in the world and maximize the value of goodness. However, it is not quite correct to arbitrarily equate the "body" of Xinzhai with the various perceptual organs below the brain. In this way, the "body" is regarded as a flesh-and-blood body, and the "mind" is regardedas the spiritual subject, so that the"body/mind" is regarded as the main body of the spirit. Relationship" becomes two equivalent but different concepts. In author's opinion, Hsin-Chai's theory of "body" has not only the physical meaning, but also the spiritual meaning, and the two cannot be separated. The "body" of Hsin-Chai is a "whole self" that is compatible with the inside and outside, and contains the spirituality and the humanity.
It is generally believed that Wang Hsin-Chai of the late Ming Dynasty broke through the tradition of"she sheng chyu yi" since Mencius, the controversial theories of "ming che pao shen" and "huai nanke wu", and put forward the thesis of "tsun shen kuei ti". If it disappears and does not exist, it is impossible to practice morality in the world and maximize the value of goodness. However, it is not quite correct to arbitrarily equate the "body" of Xinzhai with the various perceptual organs below the brain. In this way, the "body" is regarded as a flesh-and-blood body, and the "mind" is regardedas the spiritual subject, so that the"body/mind" is regarded as the main body of the spirit. Relationship" becomes two equivalent but different concepts. In author's opinion, Hsin-Chai's theory of "body" has not only the physical meaning, but also the spiritual meaning, and the two cannot be separated. The "body" of Hsin-Chai is a "whole self" that is compatible with the inside and outside, and contains the spirituality and the humanity.
王艮, 泰州學派, 淮南格物, 尊身貴體, 明哲保身, WANG GEN(王艮), Taizhou School(泰州學派), body, huai nanke wu(淮南格物), sun shen kuei ti(尊身貴體), ming che pao shen(明哲保身)