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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國中學習障礙學生心理健康及學習態度之現況,比較不同背景變項的臺北市國中學習障礙學生在心理健康及學習態度的差異情形,進一步探討臺北市國中學習障礙學生的心理健康與學習態度兩者之間的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具包括自編之「國民中學學習障礙學生學習態度問卷」及陳李綢(2014)編製、心理出版社出版的「正向心理健康量表」,研究對象為臺北市國中確認學習障礙學生,依照臺北市12個行政區採叢集式抽樣,發放253份問卷,回收問卷203份,實際有效樣本為197份。分析方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關。 研究結論顯示: 一、臺北市學習障礙學生整體學習態度表現屬於積極,以對學校的態度最高,其次 是對教師的態度、對同儕的態度,對課業的態度最低。 二、臺北市學習障礙學生整體心理健康程度尚佳,以情緒平衡最好,其次是家庭和 諧、人際關係、自我悅納,樂觀進取最低 。 三、不同性別的國中學習障礙學生在心理健康表現上沒有顯著差異;在學習態度表 現有顯著差異,女生在學習態度整體、對學校的態度、對課業的態度、對同儕 的態度等表現優於學習障礙男生。 四、不同年級的國中學習障礙學生在心理健康、學習態度表現上沒有顯著差異。 五、不同特殊教育服務情形的學習障礙學生在家庭和諧表現、學習態度整體及各面 向表現有差異。 六、不同入資源班年級的學習障礙學生在心理健康五個向度表現上沒有顯著差異; 在心理健康整體表現上,八年級開始在資源班接受直接教學課程的學習障礙學 生心理健康表現較九年級才開始在資源班接受直接教學課程的學習障礙學生心 理健康表現佳。 七、不同入資源班年級之學習障礙學生在學習態度整體及各面向表現沒有顯著差 異。 八、臺北市國中學習障礙學生學習態度與心理健康呈現正相關,但心理健康中的情 緒平衡與學習態度無顯著相關。
The presentstudy explores the relationship between learning attitudes and mental health among students with learning disabilities injunior high schools in Taipei City. A total of 197 participants completed self-report measures of both Learning Attitude Scale which was derived by the researcher and Positive Mental Health Scale by Chen (2014). The data were analyzed via SPSS with execution of t-test, a Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, and a one-way analysis of variance.Results of the study showed that:(1)Students with learning disabilities reported to be positive in their overall learning attitudes, whereas the attitude toward school exhibited to be the optimum, following by the attitude toward teachers and classmates, yet the attitude toward schoolwork appeared to be the least one;(2) The overall mental health of students with learning disabilities was good,especially in emotional balance, following by family harmony, interpersonal relationship, and self-acceptance; on the other hand,optimism and eagerness displayed the lowest scores on the scale; (3) Female learning disabled students were found to have better performance in the subscales of (a) overall learning attitudes, (b) the attitude toward school, (c) the attitude toward schoolwork, and (d)the attitude toward peers than male students; (4) No significant differences were found in either students’ mental health or learning attitudes regarding which grade students were in;(5) Significant variations were found in both aspects of the learning attitudes and mental health of students with divergent special education needs, particularly in (a) family harmony, and (b) overall learning attitudes and the all subaspects; (6) No significant differences were found in the 5 subscales of their mental health concerning students who started joining resource classes in divergent grades; however, with respect to plenary mental health, students that started taking curriculum provided by resource class teachers in their 8th grade exhibited exceeding mental health comparing with the ones who began taking curriculum provided by resource class teachers in their 9th grade; (7) No significant variations were found in the learning attitudes of students who firstly joined resource classes in their divergent grades, either overall or subsets of learning attitudes; (8) The learning attitudes of students with learning disabilities were found to positively correlated with their mental health, except the subset of emotional balance.



學習障礙, 學習態度, 心理健康, students with disabilities, mental health, learning attitude

