
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的在於瞭解大學教師評鑑和學術自由之現況,並且探討不同背景變項、環境變項與大學教師評鑑、學術自由是否具有差異情形,進一步探討兩者之間關係,求其大學教師評鑑對學術自由之預測力情形。最後根據上述研究發現和研究結論,以提供相關單位作為大學教師評鑑之參考。 為了達成研究目標,本研究採用文獻分析和問卷調查法。研究對象為臺灣地區公私立之大學院校專任教授.專任副教授和專任助理教授。根據區域、學門領域和學校類型不同,隨機抽取樣本820人,回收有效問卷為395份,回收率為48.17%。資料統計方法使用項目分析、因素分析、信度分析、描述性分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗和多元逐步回歸。 研究結論如下: 一、 大學教師評鑑受到全球化和市場化影響為中度程度 二、 工程與醫學相關領域之大學教師對於國際化較為重視 三、 學校有接受官方補助之大學教師比學校沒有接受官方補助之大學教師較重視國際化 四、 在產學合作層面上,教授顯著高於副教授、助理教授顯著高於副教授,中部大學教師顯著高於北部和東部大學教師 五、 教授對於自身競爭力有較大的關注,而助理教授對於績效責任較為重視 六、 醫學相關領域之大學教師最關注消費者取向與績效責任 七、 大多數教師認為大學教師評鑑運作目為績效導向,尤以工程和醫學相關領域之大學教師最為明顯 八、 私立大學教師在「消費者導向」、「產學合作」和「績效責任」較公立大學教師明顯 九、 國內學術自由雖屬中高程度,但仍有教師感受學術環境受到某些特定人士(如董事會、校長、財團)影響 十、 資深大學教師比資淺大學教師對學術自由知覺情形較為明顯 十一、 社會科學相關領域大學教師比其他領域教師在教學自由知覺較為明顯 十二、 教授比助理教授、一般大學教師比師範體系教師、東部大學教師比其他領域教師在教師合法正當自由上明顯 十三、 大學教師大多肯定「自我主體」是最不違背學術自由 十四、 大學教師評鑑受科技化越普及,越不妨害教學自由與研究自由 十五、 國家經費補助多寡皆是教學自由、研究自由與教師合法正當自由最嚴重之干擾力量,消費者導向為教學自由與研究自由為次要正面預測力 十六、 專業成長取向是教學自由、研究自由和教師合法正當自由之最佳正面預測作用,績效結果導向為教師合法正當自由之最大負面預測作用zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this research is to investigate the current status of teacher evaluation of University teachers and academic freedom in higher education. The perceptual differences between evaluation of university teachers and academic freedom were also tested by various demographic variables and environmental variables. Moreover, the researcher explored the relationships between evaluation of University teachers and academic freedom. Based on the findings and conclusions, the suggestions were offered to the concerned authorities for reference. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, questionnaire survey and literature analysis were adopted as the research method of this study. The objects are university teachers, including professors, associate professors and assistant professors in the universities in Taiwan. According to the area, the subject and the school type, random sampling 820, the effective questionnaires are 395, and the returns-ratio is 48.17%.Data were analyzed by item analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test and multiple regression . The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The globalization and the marketability leads the moderate influences on the evaluation of University teachers . 2. The university teachers in Medicine and Engineering pay more attention on internationalization. 3. The university teachers received the official funding pay more attention on internationalization. 4. On the program of the industry-university cooperative research project, professors pay more attention than associate professors, assistant professors than associate professors, and university of central teachers significantly than the north and east of university teachers. 5. The professors have greater concern to one's own competitiveness, and the assistant professors comparatively pay more attention to accountability. 6. The university teachers in Medicine highly focus on the consumer orientation and accountability. 7. The university teachers in Medicine and Engineering pay more attention on accountability. 8. Private university teachers are most concerned on the program of the industry-university cooperative research project, accountability and consumer orientation. 9. Although academic freedom in Taiwan is at the excellent degree, the university teachers experience that some specific personages influence the academic environment, such as the board styles, principal, financial group. 10. It is clearly that the senior university teachers are more conscious to the academic freedom than the junior university teachers. 11. Those university teachers in Social Sciences are most sensitive to the educational freedom consciousness situation. 12. For the process of evaluation, most university teachers are sure that "self-main" as the violation of academic freedom is not the lowest criterion. 13. The technology does not degrade more the educational freedom and the research freedom. 14. Government funding have negative effect on academic freedom.en_US
dc.subjectacademic freedomen_US
dc.subjectthe evaluation of university teachersen_US
dc.titleA study on the evaluation of university teachers and academic freedom.en_US

