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過去教育領域在政策研究範疇上,多集中於政策執行或評鑑,鮮少直接關注政策形成的過程。教師專業發展評鑑政策自95年試辦以來已有五年光景,在推行過程中,曾遭受部分利益團體的反對,為究此之因,國內也有相當多的研究者已投入心力關注此議題,惟探討焦點多圍繞在意見調查及認知態度、現況與成效、政策推動歷程、變革研究、政策內涵以及政策執行等面向上,缺乏對於政策形成的重視。是以,本研究之目的在於探究教師專業發展評鑑政策形成的時空背景與多元流程,並根據研究結果提供推動教師專業發展評鑑政策與其他政策規劃參考之借鏡。在研究方法上,主要透過蒐集文件及半結構式訪談來獲取資料,並以Kingdon提出的多元流程模式為分析架構,試圖從三條流程、政策企業家與政策之窗等概念,勾勒教師專業發展評鑑政策形成的圖像。 綜合研究結果發現,本研究之結論如下: 壹、教師專業發展評鑑政策的時空背景,主要源自於學生受教權利及教師自身權益的公共議題產生,促使推動教師專業評鑑制度國內氣氛的形成 貳、總結性教師專業評鑑制度於實務推動上並不可行後,為回應民意,教育部除著手解決相關公共議題外,也開始思考推動其他教師評鑑的可能性 參、促使教師專業發展評鑑政策形成的問題要素包含國外教師評鑑趨勢、教師法草案完成一讀、各縣市的先期推動經驗、教師專業提昇是大眾共識等 肆、影響教師專業發展評鑑政策形成的政治因素包含不同利益團體力量的彼此互動、未受政黨因素不當干擾以及陷入膠著的教師法草案 伍、教師專業發展評鑑政策在政策建議的發展上,呈現激進、進化、趨同與漸進等四種發展模式 陸、教師專業發展評鑑政策在議程設定與備選方案的發展上,分別呈現進化及漸進兩種發展模式 柒、教師專業發展評鑑政策中的三條流程,在發展過程中彼此間會互相影響,同時採行穩健的方式逐漸發展成熟 捌、教師專業發展評鑑政策的政策之窗是在流程匯集前後,經由多位政策企業家的長期努力不懈下所打開的,開啟過程曾經歷了消逝與再現的階段 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對行政機關、利益團體、現職教師、立法委員、其他政策及未來研究提出建議。
Earlier studies on educational policy in Taiwan usually focused on policy implementation or evaluation, instead of the process of policy making. Concerning the policy of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development, it was put into trial in 2006. The policy is not favored by some interest groups. And a number of researchers are devoted to study the policy. However, mostly concentrate on surveys of policy opinions and comprehension, policy implementation and effects, without paying attention to policy-making process. Hence, the present study aimed to explore the historical background and policy-making process of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development, using the analytical framework of multiple streams. The research methods were semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The concepts of the three stream flows, policy entrepreneur, and policy window were employed to investigate the policy-making process of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development. The present study concluded the findings as follows: 1.Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development is resulted from the increasing social concerns about students’ education right and teachers’ benefits. The public believe that there is need for a professional evaluation system for teacher in Taiwan. 2.The professional evaluation system for teacher was then proven not feasible. In response to the public opinions, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan on one hand began to deal with relevant public issues and on the other hand tried to promote other teacher evaluation system as an alternative. 3.The establishment of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development is propelled by the international trend of teacher evaluation system, the accomplishment of the first reading of Teacher’s Act draft, regional pilot experiences, and the social expectation for the promotion of teachers’ profession. 4.The variables for policy making of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development includes interaction among different interest groups, least improper influences from political parties, and the dilemma in drafting Teacher’s Act. 5.The development of policy advising for Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development includes four models of change: quantum, emergent, convergence, and gradualist change. 6.The agenda setting and alternatives development for Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development appears two models of change; one is emergent while the other is gradualist change 7.The three streams of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development influence one another during the process and stably evolve into maturity. 8.The policy window of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development is opened when the stream flows meet one other, because of the long-term efforts of many policy entrepreneurs. In the process, the window has gone through the stages of disappearing and re-appearing. Suggestions were made to the government, interest groups, incumbent teachers, legistrators, other policies and further researches in the future.



中小學教師專業發展評鑑, 政策形成, 多元流程模式, Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development, policy making, Multiple Streams Model





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