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本研究目的在瞭解「重要他人」及「性別角色刻板印象」對男性青年文學家生涯抉擇的影響。透過深度生命故事敘說,探究社會文化脈絡下,他們求學、工作階段生涯抉擇的相關經驗,以及重要他人對其影響之心路歷程。研究參與者共九位男性青年文學家,背景為「始終於語文領域者」三位,「曾在語文、其它領域間轉換者」三位,「始終在語文以外領域者」三位,透過不同的資料蒐集,深究影響生涯抉擇的相關因素。本研究採用敘事研究中之「整體-內容」及「類別-內容」模式做為分析方法,前者著重理解個人生涯發展之整體脈絡,後者則藉由類別的劃分,以跨個案方式歸納出研究參與者共同遭遇的現象與困境。 研究結果發現,影響研究參與者生涯抉擇的重要他人,包含家庭重要成員(父母、妻子、戀人、手足及其它家族成員、家族氛圍)、求學階段重要他人(教師、同儕、學校氛圍)、角色楷模(現實生活、書籍及其它影視媒材)等面向,另外,還含括讀者、編輯、評審、書籍、社會價值觀、個人特質等影響因素。在性別角色刻板印象方面,兩性期待的差異、社會文化價值觀、沈重的經濟壓力與成家立業責任等因素,皆為研究參與者的生涯阻力,但若能獲得周遭重要他人的支持與鼓勵,可協助其打破性別框架。 而選擇語文領域和其它領域之研究參與者生涯抉擇的差異,在於前者的父母多給予寬廣的人生選擇權,或雖有干預但箝制力不足;而始終都在語文以外領域者,因能順從父母及社會集體價值觀,故衝突較少,但不被原領域教師或同儕理解的心境,則是重挫他們創作生涯的阻力。 最後,研究者提出以下建議:父母宜給予子女多元性向探索機會、充分職涯資訊,且不強制主宰;學校教育應落實學生適性發展與生涯輔導工作,輔以活化的國語文教學模式,並均衡辦理多元領域活動;政府應扶植、規劃文學人才職涯出路。
The thesis aims to comprehend how “significant others” and “gender stereotype” can affect the career decision-making of young male litterateurs. Considering certain social contexts and narratives, the research attempts to perceive how the litterateurs undergo influences from the significant others and how they experience life within different phases. The research subjects nine litterateurs in total, among which three come from a literary background; three with experiences in other domain; and still three with different backgrounds from literary practice. Means to collecting sources differ from case to case so as to have more precise insights into their career decision-making. The research adopts two methods– the “holistic-content” and the “categorical-content” - to conduct analysis. The former sets focus on individual development in general while the latter, according to the categories, examines mutual experiences and frustration in life among individuals. The result suggests that the subjected litterateurs are affected by diverse groups of significant others, which include family members (parents, siblings, spouses and domestic atmosphere etc.), those at schools (instructors, peers and atmosphere at school), role models(from real life, books and the media). In addition, readership, editors, reviewers, books, and social value, and individual characters also have influences on the subjects. Regarding the dimension of gender stereotype, the subjects have met obstacles such as discrepancy between genders, socio-cultural value, financial pressure, and the sense of responsibility for families. However, with the support from the significant others, the gender contradiction could be compromised. Subjects with literary backgrounds have been given a wider choice for living, or have undergone a loose confinement on the choice; while those with non-literary backgrounds have complied with the expectation of the parents and the society, thus they have led lives without much confrontation. However, not being understood by instructors and the peers in the original field usually leaves the latter in frustration of their career in literary creation. Finally, the research suggests that parents should adopt a liberal mind and provide the children with more opportunities to explore all possibilities in life and with adequate information about occupations. Meanwhile, institutes should conduct proper education and provide consultant systems for students to develop career plans according to interests. The importance of diversity in activities should also be taken into consideration. As far as the authority’s concerned, the prospect and life-long career for litterateurs should be assisted and well planned.



男性青年文學家, 性別角色刻版印象, 生涯抉擇, 重要他人, young male litterateurs, gender-role stereotype, career decision-making, significant others

