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本研究採用行動研究的方式,透過觀察記錄、問題日誌、訪談記錄、研究日誌之資料蒐集方式,探討北市國小五位五年級資優學生於問題本位學習的課程架構下在自主學習向度上的改變,並從中瞭解教學歷程所提供的鷹架支持,以及資優班教師在此次歷程中的專業成長。 研究發現歸納如下: 一、運用後設監控能協助學生提升自我規劃與問題解決能力。 二、多元角度的問題評估能提升學生對問題的掌握度,藉此提升其學習信心以找出問題核心和尋求解決。 三、內外在的激勵與增強能協助學生排除困難以堅持自我學習。 四、教師協助與同儕支持能幫助學生進行問題解決並提升其學習知能。 五、學生因其特質而有不同的自主學習成長樣貌。 六、因應學生在學習歷程中的學習需求而給予不同的鷹架支持。 七、教師透過此次研究更瞭解如何透過課程以符應學生學習需求,並提供自主和支持的環境,除了豐富個人教學知能以提升專業效能外,也從理論轉化為教學實踐的過程中發展自己的實務理論。 根據上述研究結論與省思提出幾點建議,提供日後從事相關研究者及教師做為參考。
This research using action research as a methodology explores the changes in students’ self-regulated learning skills in a problem-solving learning environment. Subjects were five gifted fifth grade students. Four instruments were used to collect data: lesson observation records, learning diaries, interviews, and teacher reflection diaries. The main findings are as follows: 1.Use of metacognitive strategies helps the students develop self-management and problem-solving skills. 2.Multidimensional learning experience prepares the students to grasp the core of problem and gain confidence in problem solving. 3.Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and reinforcement enabled students to become independent, self-regulated learners. 4.Academic support and assistance from teachers and peers helps improve learning, such as problem-solving abilities. 5.Each self-regulated students has his or her own unique patterns of learning. 6.Instructors can use a variety of scaffolds to accommodate students’ different level of learning. 7.Instructors could examine ways to meet the learning needs within this study and learn to provide a better self-regulation and a supportive classroom environment for all students. The research concludes with recommendations for future teaching and research.



資優生, 問題本位學習, 鷹架支持, 自主學習, 行動研究, gifted and talented students, problem-based learning, scaffolding support, self-regulated learning, action research





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