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全球穆斯林人口約20億人,佔全球人口的1/5。2014年來臺穆斯林旅客約18萬人次,產值近90億臺幣,穆斯林旅客消費力高,較一般旅客平均高出20%,極具觀光開發潛力。2014年阿聯酋航空新增杜拜到桃園機場直航班機,每周7班,1週內便帶來近千人來自中東或歐美轉機之旅客,穆斯林來臺的觀光市場蓬勃發展。本研究目的為了解穆斯林旅遊團體操作模式及手法,以提供同業作為接待參考,並使未來數量日益龐大的穆斯林旅客,擁有更好的旅遊服務品質。本研究方法運用團體套裝旅遊關鍵服務特色架構,簡稱GPT (Group Package Tour),擬作訪談問題。再來與國內6位接待穆斯林旅客有相當經驗之行程規劃者及導遊人員做深度訪談,將訪談過程對話做內容分析,並且邀請旅遊相關產業背景之評判人針對分析資料予以分類及檢核項目。為明確了解整個操作過程,運用參與式觀察法實際參與穆斯林來臺旅遊團。研究結果產出穆斯林團體套裝旅遊眉角架構,分為規劃行程面及導遊執行面。規劃行程面又分6個構面:遊覽車安排、飯店設備確認、飲食規範、飲食偏好及旅遊禁忌;導遊執行面分為11個構面:取得認同感、車上娛樂、尊重異性、禮拜規範與彈性、飲食規範、飲食偏好、飯店設備確認、嚐鮮、談話技巧、購物、旅遊禁忌。穆斯林旅遊團體與一般旅遊團體操作手法極為不同,期許透過本研究建立之架構及實際參與式觀察經驗分享,提供穆斯林旅遊學術研究的缺口及政府、產業未來接待穆斯林旅客參考。
Islam is one of the world’s major religion, the population of global Muslim is near 1.7 billion. It’s almost one-fifth of the world’s population. According to United Nations World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) estimated more than US$141 billion from Muslim tourism and expected annual 5% growth rate. In Arabic, the word Halal means permitted or lawful. Halal tourism is a subcategory of religious tourism which is geared towards Muslim families who abide by Sharia rules. Battour, Ismail, and Battor for the Impact of destination attributes on Muslim tourist’s choice research mention the "tangible" and "intangible" aspects of religious obligations. The tangible aspects include prayer facilities and Halal food. The intangible aspects contains Islamic entertainment, Islamic dress code, general Islamic morality and Islamic call (Azan) for prayer. Muslim should be guided by Sharia (Islamic code of life) rules performing five prayers a day and food is permissible to be consumed. There are about 160 thousand Muslim tourists visited Taiwan in 2013 and earned 250 million New Taiwan Dollars foreign exchange. Muslim is no doubt a new market for tourism industry in Taiwan. Taiwan is non-Muslim country but have religious liberty. In Recent years, Taiwan Tourism Bureau with Chinese Muslim association activity created a Muslim friendly travel environment make hotel and restaurants get Halal certification. There has 85 restaurants got Halal certification so far. The most Muslim tourists travel in Taiwan are Group package tour (GPT). But in the travel six elements such as food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment are getting the needs for Muslim tourists, the amount of the visitors is still less than other tourists and only few travel agencies operate domestic Muslim tours. The study is trying to find out the reason cannot attract Muslim visitors and the difficulties in servicing them. The purpose is to solve the problems which are encountered in Muslim traveling in Taiwan. This study also trial to explore the GPT framework of critical service features for Muslim tourists and provides the details to travel agents while planning the tour for Muslim tourists in order to give them a pleasant journey even in Non-Muslim countries.



伊斯蘭文化, 穆斯林, Halal認證, 團體旅遊, Islam culture, Muslim, Halal, GPT





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