從TIMSS 2003探討國中生科學學習成效和教室教學與氣氛及教師特質之關聯


本研究利用描述性統計、相關及迴歸進行TIMSS 2003資料分析,探討教室教學與氣氛及教師特質與學生學習成效的關聯。研究結果發現:「學習氣氛」是對我國學生科學成就預測力最高的變項,其次為「教學氣氛」、「探究式教學頻率」和「測驗頻率」等,亦均有顯著預測力,教師特質變項對學生成就均無顯著預測力;對我國學生科學態度預測力最高的變項為「學習氣氛」及「教師對自然科學的態度」,其餘變項均無顯著預測力。 本研究亦比較我國與新加坡之差異,結果發現:新加坡教師使用探究式教學活動及資訊融入教學活動的頻率均較我國普遍,但與科學學習成效的關聯與我國無顯著差異。 本研究建議未來利用TIMSS資料庫探討影響科學態度的因素時,可朝向學生特質及個人感受教學頻率的方向進行研究,且可繼續與其他國家進行國際比較,以瞭解各國課室活動與其學生科學學習成效關聯之異同。
In this study, we analyzed the data from TIMSS 2003 for understanding the relationship between classroom instruction and climate, teacher characteristic and junior student science learning effectiveness by descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. The results showed that “learning climate ” was the main variable item for expecting the student’s science learning achievement. The next variable items were “instructional climate ”and “the frequency of inquiry teaching”. Other variable items couldn’t expect the science learning achievement. The main variable item for expecting the science learning attitude was “learning climate”, other variable item were no correlation with students’ attitude toward science.In this study, we compared with the TIMSS 2003 data from Singapore, and the results were as follows: the frequency of “inquiry teaching” in Singapore was higher than in Taiwan and Teachers in Singapore integrated information technology in instructional activities were more often than teachers in Taiwan. However, the correlation with students’ learning effectiveness is no significant different. There were several suggestions for future studies and science education in Taiwan: it is worth in the future study to study students’ attitude by caring about students’ personal characteristics or frequency of classroom instruction they accepted. Further to do more comparative science education with other countries to understand the relationship between classroom instruction and junior student science learning effectiveness in different country.



國際數學與科學成就趨勢調查, 教室教學與氣氛, 教師特質, 科學態度, 科學成就, 學習成效, TIMSS, Classroom instruction and climate, Teacher characteristics, Attitude toward science, Science achievement, Learning effectiveness





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