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許多都會型城市正面臨商業蓬勃發展後所帶來的交通壅塞、噪音和空氣污染的危機,發展大眾捷運系統雖然足以有效解決都市繁榮後所面臨的交通問題,然其固定路線班次與較長的車站間距,卻也隱含未能滿足短程接駁與使用便利性的需求。 公共自行車可隨著騎乘者需求,自由移動的運輸特色,已經是這些城市常用可見的方法中最具成本效益,也是最短時間內可建置完成使用的大眾運輸模式之一。影響公共自行車服務系統成功與否的眾多關鍵因素中,租借站點的設置區位選擇扮演舉足輕重的角色,本研究結合一年期間租借次數統計分析資料、196個租借站點地理位置與騎乘起迄點等因素,分析績優租借站背後成功的條件與特徵,並找出影響租借次數的關鍵因子,期能做為初導入公共自行車服務系統城市的租借站選點策略,亦可作為改善現有租借站營運規劃的參考,使滿足多數使用者的需求,以達到公共自行車「第一哩暨最後一哩」的完善接駁服務。主要研究分析發現績優租借站點多位於人口密度較高且租借站點較多的行政區,另都會型公共自行車租借站選點應以交通結點(如:捷運站)為中心,在半徑一公里的範圍內,以放射狀的密集佈點方式,最能創造較高的騎乘租借次數;另租借站點所在位置的使用目的愈多元,愈能發揮其使用效能與增加使用者騎乘意願。
Public Bike-Sharing System (PBS) satisfies the demand of riders moving freely from one station to another. It is the most cost-effectiveness transportation vehicle in most cities of the world. Compared to other types of mass transportation, PBS can be implemented in an affordable budget and achieves its goal in a short period of time. It is the popular vehicle in solving urban traffic problem in recent years. There are several significant characters that contribute to a successful PBS. Among them, location of bike station plays a key role for a bike sharing system. This study collects Taipei YouBike operating data and applies statistical methods to analyze 196 PBS stations. Analyzing all trips for both high-demand bike stations and low-demand bike stations, mapping the original-destination (OD) data for each transaction in the area of Taipei, this study introduces the concept of data visualization for consolidating abstract information into a communicable form of visual representations. Since Taipei YouBike is the most successful bike sharing system in Taiwan, the operational data has been acknowledged as useful information. The study aims to find out the reasons why some bike stations are in high-demand than others. Hoping this study could contribute the knowledge of PBS, benefits some developing PBS program in the future.



公共自行車, 微笑單車(YouBike), 台北市, 騎乘起訖點(OD點), 逐步迴歸分析, Public Bike-Sharing System (PBS), YouBike, Taipei, original-destination (OD), stepwise regression





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