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本研究以新北市國民中學八年級學生為研究對象,其中數理資優生115人,普通班學生133人。施測工具採用「新訂賴氏人格測驗」測量學生之人格類型,以「多因素性向測驗」測量學生之性向表現。資料處理使用「社會科學統計套裝軟體程式(SPSS 17.0)」,資料分析方式採用描述性統計、卡方檢定(chi-square test)、獨立樣本t檢定(independent-sample t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)。 本研究的主要目的有下列三點: (一)探討國中數理資優生的人格類型,作為擬定國中數理資優生學習輔導及生活輔導策略時的參考。 (二)探討國中數理資優生的性向表現,作為擬定國中數理資優生學習輔導及生涯輔導策略時的參考。 (三)分析不同人格類型的國中數理資優生其性向表現是否具有差異,進而了解國中數理資優生之人格類型和性向表現是否具有關聯性。 本研究的結論歸納為下列四點: (一)多數國中數理資優生在情緒穩定性、心理健康度及社會適應性之表現穩定良好。 (二)國中數理資優生的數學推理、錯別字、文法與修辭能力較佳,機械推理能力較弱。 (三)國中數理資優生在多因素性向測驗所有分項測驗之能力表現皆優於普通班學生。 (四)不同人格類型的國中數理資優生,在多因素性向測驗所有分項測驗之能力表現並無明顯不同。 最後,依據本研究之結果,研究者提出對國中數理資優生進行生活輔導、學習輔導及生涯輔導時的參考建議。
The objects of this study were 115 math and science gifted students in junior high school, the other 133 regular students were the members of the control group. The surveying tools of this study were "New Lai Personality Test "and "Aptitude Test of Multiple Factors ". This study used SPSS 17.0 for data analyses. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent sample t test, single factor analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA)were the methods of data analyses this study used. The purpose of this study could be summarized as the followings: 1)Analysed personality types of the math and science gifted students in junior high school , and explored the living adaption of them. 2)Analysed aptitudes of the math and science gifted students in junior high school, and explored the appropriate career plans of them. 3)Analysed were there aptitude differences among different personality types of the math and science gifted students in junior high school? 4)Explored the relationship between personality and aptitude. Most math and science gifted students were stable in emotion, mental health and social adaptability. There were significant aptitude differences exist between math and science gifted students and regular students. But there were no significant aptitude differences among 5 personal kinds of math and science gifted students. According to the results of this study, the researcher proposed some suggestions about living adaption, learning development and career planning for school and educational guidance.



國中數理資優生, 人格, 人格測驗, 性向, 性向測驗, the math and science gifted student in junior high school, personality, personality test, aptitude, aptitude test





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