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本研究旨在探討雙語教學應用在國中即興劇課程的設計與實施,並了解研究對象的學習興趣、英語表達自信心以及創意自我效能的變化。  本研究採行動研究法,以臺北市七年級某一班級25名學生為研究對象,實施十二週「雙語即興劇課程」,每節課皆包含即興劇精神及即興劇表演訓練,依序有暖身活動、即興劇主要活動、總結活動三個部分。課程設計亦扣合十二年國民基本教育藝術領域課程綱要。研究對象於課程前後接受表演藝術學習興趣、英語學習動機、英語表達自信心與創意自我效能的問卷調查,並透過訪談、分析省思回饋單等質性資料,瞭解研究對象對課程的態度與看法。  研究結果發現:實施課程後,學生的表演藝術學習興趣、英語學習動機及創意自我效能量表分數皆無顯著差異;在英語表達自信心的量表分數達顯著差異。根據質性資料分析,雙語教師可以運用之跨語言實踐策略如:營造友善互助的雙語學習氛圍、大量口語互動、運用多模態及語言的輔助鷹架等,加上以學科為主的課程設計,可維持學生的課堂參與度,保持對表演藝術的學習興趣。  最後依據研究結果提出建議:一、雙語教學的課程設計應以學科學習為主,過程應引發學生善用所有資源(語言及非語言)進行有意義的表達;二、雙語教學應創造友善多語的學習環境;三、同儕教師共同備課是教師專業成長最佳助力;並對未來研究者提出相關建議。
This study aimed to explore the design and implementation of bilingual teaching in improvisational theatre curriculum for junior high school students and to understand changes in their learning interests, English expression confidence, and creative self-efficacy.The study adopted an action research method, with 25 seventh-grade students from a Taipei city class as the research subjects. A 12-week"bilingual improvisational theater curriculum" was implemented, with each class including warm-up activities, main improvisational theater activities, and summary activities, in line with the “ Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education”. The research subjects were given questionnaires before and after the course on their interest in performing arts learning, English learning motivation, English expression confidence, and creative self-efficacy, and qualitative data such as interviewsand reflection feedback forms were analyzed to understand the students' attitudes and opinions towards the curriculum. The results of the study showed that there were no significant differences in the scores of the performance arts learning interest, English learning motivation, and creative self-efficacy scales after the course, but there was a significant difference in the English expression confidence scale. Based on the analysis of qualitative data, bilingual teachers can use cross-linguistic practice strategies such as creating a friendly and helpful bilingual learning atmosphere, promoting oral interaction, using multimodal and language-assisted scaffolding, and integrating subject-based curriculum design to maintain student classroom participation and interest in learning performing arts.Based on the research results, suggestions were made, including 1. bilingual teaching curriculum design should focus on subject-based learning, and the process should encourage students to use all resources (linguistic and non-linguistic) for meaningful expression; 2. bilingual teaching should create a friendly and multilingual learning environment and 3. peer teacher collaboration in lesson preparation is indispensable and optimal support.



雙語教學, 表演藝術課程, 即興劇, Bilingual teaching, Performing arts curriculum, Improvisational theater





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