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近年國內外女性從事慢跑運動比例漸趨成熟且大幅成長,也因此各大企業廠商看準女性運動商機,紛紛推出女性限定之路跑活動、運動課程等。而從五花八門的行銷廣上,發現業者一致強調瘦身、曲線等框架女性追求身材之趨向。根據上述女性參與路跑運動興起背景,本研究透過網路問卷,以近一年全臺參與過10K以上路跑之女性為對象,調查女性參與路跑運動的契機為何?是否與身材追求有關?不同背景變項之女性路跑運動參與者 (以下簡稱女性跑者),在運動動機與社會體型焦慮上是否存在差異,以及兩者之間是否有相互影響的關係。回收有效問卷422份資料以SPSS23.0統計套裝軟體資料處理,再經單因子變異數分析以、雪費法及皮爾森積差相關進行分析,結果發現:1.女性路跑運動參與者以33.5歲、跑齡五年內、未婚、月收入三至五萬者為主,從事路跑活動目的則為健康、瘦身減肥、雕塑體型。2.女性跑者之社會體型焦慮與「年齡」、「主觀知覺體重」及「周跑步次數」最為顯著差異。3.女性跑者之運動動機與「跑齡」、「周跑步次數」、「最佳完賽時間」最為顯著差異。4.女性跑者之社會體型焦慮與運動動機之間呈顯著負相關。結論女性透過路跑活動為契機,誘發跑步習慣來維持健康及身材,再過程中享受挑戰自我的成就、隨著跑步頻率增加而提高了運動動機同時降低了社會體型焦慮程度,達成身心靈同步提升。
The objective of this study aims to investigate the situation of the Female Participants in running events. And analyze the motivation and Social Physique Anxiety with background Variables of female participants. Moreover, discuss the relationship between Social Physique Anxiety and Sports Motivation. The formal questionnaire on online survey was 422 valid copies retrieved. The data collected are handled in line with SPSS23.0, which are analyzed based on Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample One-way ANOVA, Scheffé’s Method and Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation Analysis. The results and findings are as follows: (1) Average of female participants’ age is 33.5years old, and most of running age among 1 to5 years. The purpose of running is for heath, weight loss and getting curvy. (2) Female participants with different ages, weekly run rate and perceived body weight have significant differences in Social Physique Anxiety. (3) Female participants with different running age, weekly run rate and Personal best have significant differences in Sports Motivation. (4) Social Physique Anxiety show significant negative correlation with Sports Motivation.Conclusion: through the opportunity of running events, female induce running habits to maintain their health and figure, and then enjoy achievements of self-challenging more and more. With the increase in running frequency, their sports motivation get higher and reducing the Social Physique Anxiety.



女性路跑, 運動動機, 社會體型焦慮, Female Running Events, Sports Motivation, Social Physique Anxiety





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