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「柯象」是臺灣歷史上本土少數收藏完整並且珍貴的宗教抗日文物,具有極高的研究價值。在初步探索「柯象」的社會生命歷程當中,筆者發現「柯象」在漢人發起的土庫抗日事件當中,扮演舉足輕重的角色,而土庫事件的成敗,也成為了柯象社會生命歷程中最大的轉捩點。因此,若要釐清柯象的價值,則務必得清楚土庫事件的來龍去脈,以及土庫事件在臺灣漢人武裝抗日史上所具備的意義。 本研究以土庫事件作為「柯象」生命史各階段的分期,並以各時期的收藏場域作為討論時序。論文討論上,首先描述歷史文件以及田野調查中的「柯象」,並且解釋「柯象」的神聖化過程和意義。接著筆者由「柯象」文物來追索土庫事件的來龍去脈,清楚說明土庫事件發生的政治背景與社會關聯、土庫事件的發生與成因分析,以及戰後對土庫事件的再現與詮釋。第四章筆者以1945年國民黨政府接管臺灣後作為時間斷限,著力討論「柯象」如何在國立警察專科學校及國立臺灣博物館不同場域中之收藏情況,以及其物性和價值的轉變過程。最後筆者以為,「柯象」文物在經過一個歷史學術的研究之後,「柯象」的研究價值逐漸浮現,本研究作為「柯象」文物的第一個專題研究,期許本研究的完成能夠提供各學科領域殷實的歷史材料,促使「柯象」文物作為各學術領域交流的研究平臺,使「柯象」文物的價值與意義更為世人所知。
Kexiang is a Taiwanese local rare and precious anti-Japanese religious artifact that is intactly-reserved and has very high research value. In the initial discovery of Kexiang's social life phases, the researcher found that Kexiang played a considerable role in Tuku Anti-Japanese Incident by Han Chinese and how Tu-ku Incident came to an end became the biggest turning point for Kexiang's social life phases. Therefore, it is essential to understand causes and effects of Tuku Incident and the significance Tuku Incident brought to history of Han Taiwanese anti-Japanese armed uprisings as to clarify Kexiang's value. Tuku Incident is the watershed in this study to divide Kexiang's each life phase and the discussion timeline in the research is based on the collection site of each phase. In the dissertation discussion,it first reviews historical documents, depicts Kexiang from field investigation and explains Kexiang's deification process and significance. Then, the researcher identifies causes and effects of Tuku Incident, expounding on political background and social association of the incident, occurrence of the incident, analysis on the causes of the incident, and reproduction and interpretation of the incident after The Second Sino-Japanese War. In chapter 4, based on the time line of 1945 after Kuomintang Government took over Taiwan, the author puts forth effort on discussing collection of Kexiang in the two different sites – Taiwan Police College and National Taiwan Museum - and transformation process of its physical property and value. In the end, the author holds that value in the Kexiang artifact gradually emerges after this academic history research. As the first case study on the Kexiang artifact, it is aspired to be a substantial historical material for various academic disciplines, promoting the Kexiang artifact as a research platform of every scholarly domain and making its value and significance more well-known to the world.



國立臺灣博物館, 柯象, 土庫事件, 武裝抗日事件, 宗教, National Taiwan Museum, Kexiang, Tuku Incident, armed anti-Japanese uprisings, religion





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