

本研究主旨是以台灣進入WTO後對平版印刷業之現況分析及未來經營策略為主,探討產業的經營現況及內、外部影響因素,以作為日後平版印刷經營者之參考依據。為達到研究目的,本論文採問卷調查法及訪談法進行研究。問卷設計方面是以Porter五力分析為架構,經發放及回收後,並對於各作用力所造成的影響,進行歸納、分析;訪談法是採用專家訪談,探討台灣加入WTO後對平版印刷業影響,以SWOT分析得之。最後,經由整理、歸納、得到結論,以提出平版印刷業者所應採取的相對因應策略方案。研究調查對象係根據民91年台灣區印刷暨機械材料工業同業公會之廠商,共抽取150家作為本研究之對象,共回收102份有效問卷,有效回收率為68%。信度分析α值為.93。所得問卷資料,以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以分析,以獲得最後的結果。依據研究目的,本研究之研究結論如下: 1.台灣加入WTO後在競爭構面中供應者的議價能力認同度最高,而影響因素中『技術的取得』是最主要的原因。 2.職務階級的高低對整體競爭力有顯著性差異。
The purpose of this research focuses on the analysis of the current situation of Taiwan’s offset printing industry after entering WTO as well as the future business strategy. It explores the current business situation of the industry and the inner and outer influential factors and means to be kept as sources that other managers of offset printing may refer to. Questionnaire Survey and Visiting Survey are adopted to achieve the goal of this study. The questionnaire design is based on Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis”. After the questionnaires are distributed and then collected, the facts influenced by every force are analyzed. Visiting Survey is conducted by interviewing the experts. It explores the influences on Taiwan’s offset printing industry after entering WTO and gets results from “SWOT Analysis”. Finally, through arrangement, generalization, and conclusion, the relative strategies which the managers of offset printing should adopt are proposed.The research subjects for data collection are based on 150 companies from the Register of Taiwan Printing and Machinery, Material Industry Association published in 2002. 102 valid questionnaires were collected, and the valid percentage of collection is 68 %, while the α of confidential analysis is .93. To obtain the conclusion, the data was analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, mean, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe method. The study concludes with the following findings. 1.After Taiwan joins WTO, the bargaining power of the suppliers is identified the most important in the competition, while the technique acquirement is the main influential factor. 2.There are significant differences between different ranks of position as for the entire competition ability.



平版印刷, SWOT分析, WTO, 波特五力, 經營策略, Offset Printing, Business Strategy, World Trade Organization, Porter's five forces

