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本研究目的在探討參與救國團臺北市社教中心運動休閒學習課程女性上班族學員,其休閒態度與生活滿意度之整體情形,並分析不同人口統計變項女性上班族學員休閒態度與生活滿意度之差異情形,進而瞭解休閒態度與生活滿意度之相關情形及預測情形。本研究使用問卷調查法,以參與救國團臺北市社教中心運動休閒學習課程之女性上班族學員為研究對象,研究工具為休閒態度量表、生活滿意度量表、運動休閒學習課程參與及個人基本資料四個部分。本研究以配額抽樣法進行問卷發放與調查,共發放600份問卷,回收516份問卷,扣除填答不完全之無效問卷,共收集有效問卷497份,有效回收率為82.8%。回收資料以IBM SPSS 20.0進行資料處理,所得資料經描述性統計、交叉分析、獨立樣本t檢定、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、一般多元迴歸分析後,研究結果如下:一、參與救國團臺北市社教中心運動休閒學習課程之女性上班族學員,年齡以31-40歲、未婚、教育程度以大學(專)院校、從事服務業的學員居多,平均月收入大多在25,001-35,000元,參與課程類別以瑜珈健身系列,並以續報八期(含)以上課程的學員居多,參與動機以健康養身為主,獲得課程資訊來源,以社教中心網站最多。二、不同人口統計變項的女性上班族學員在休閒態度上,均呈現正面積極,且具有顯著差異。三、不同人口統計變項的女性上班族學員在生活滿意度上,大致呈現正面滿意,且具有顯著差異。四、女性上班族學員在休閒態度與生活滿意度均呈現正相關,且具有顯著預測力。本研究建議救國團臺北市社教中心在未來經營管理上,持續針對女性上班族學員開發客製化課程,並拓展男性學員市場;在行銷方面,強化網路行銷之經營,及提升課程之附加價值。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the leisure attitude and life satisfaction degree of the career-woman participants in Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps, and analyze their difference with different population statistic variables to predict the relationship. A survey by questionnaire with Leisure Attitude Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, learning course categories, and the different variation on population statistics was conducted on these career-woman participants. 600 questionnaires in total were spreaded with quota sampling method and 497 valid questionnaires, with 82.8% valid rate, from the 516 return questionnaires were collected. The data of the collected questionnaires were treated by IBM SPSS 20.0 via descriptive statistics, crosstable analysis, Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The findings were as following: Most of the career-woman participants in Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps were single with Bachelor degree, between 31 to 40 years old, and engaged in service industry, with average monthly income from NTD 25,001 to NTD 35,000. They mostly participated some courses like Yoga Fitness series continually for over eight courses. Their motivations were mostly out of health and they got the course information from the website of Taipei Social Educational Center. They mostly had a positive and aggressive leisure attitude and positive life satisfaction significantly, and their leisure attitude and life satisfaction were positive and predictive. This study suggested Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps to provide the career-woman participants with customized course, expand into the career man market, strengthen on internet marketing and enlarge the added value of the courses for the future business management.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the leisure attitude and life satisfaction degree of the career-woman participants in Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps, and analyze their difference with different population statistic variables to predict the relationship. A survey by questionnaire with Leisure Attitude Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, learning course categories, and the different variation on population statistics was conducted on these career-woman participants. 600 questionnaires in total were spreaded with quota sampling method and 497 valid questionnaires, with 82.8% valid rate, from the 516 return questionnaires were collected. The data of the collected questionnaires were treated by IBM SPSS 20.0 via descriptive statistics, crosstable analysis, Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The findings were as following: Most of the career-woman participants in Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps were single with Bachelor degree, between 31 to 40 years old, and engaged in service industry, with average monthly income from NTD 25,001 to NTD 35,000. They mostly participated some courses like Yoga Fitness series continually for over eight courses. Their motivations were mostly out of health and they got the course information from the website of Taipei Social Educational Center. They mostly had a positive and aggressive leisure attitude and positive life satisfaction significantly, and their leisure attitude and life satisfaction were positive and predictive. This study suggested Taipei Social Educational Center of China Youth Corps to provide the career-woman participants with customized course, expand into the career man market, strengthen on internet marketing and enlarge the added value of the courses for the future business management.
救國團, 休閒態度, 生活滿意度, 運動休閒學習課程, 女性上班族學員, China Youth Corps, Leisure attitude, Life satisfaction, Sports and leisure course, Career-woman participants