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本研究目的在描述七位大一不分系排球運動績優生之生命故事,並從他們生命故事中分析他們就讀N大一不分系之因素以及在學業、訓練與人際等方面學校適應之情形。本研究之研究參與者為七位大一不分系排球運動績優生,利用多重個案研究法,透過相關文件資料分析以及半結構式深度訪談法,以生命故事的方式描寫其學校適應之情形,並且比較七位排球運動績優生個人成長背景及學校適應之現況。研究結果發現:1. 高中環境為運動績優生大學學校適應好壞之關鍵時期。2. 本研究之排球運動績優生考量未來就業因此選擇非體育類大學大一不分系就讀。3. 大一不分系排球運動績優生學業適應較傳統分系運動績優生佳,對於運動績優生之學校適應有正面幫助。研究方法上建議後續研究可以依不同運動項目、不同入學制度與不同學校之不分系運動績優生作為研究對象;亦建議高中體育班之教練、家長與球員本身除了球技的訓練之外,更要加強球員基礎學科之能力,甚至建議政府改善現行之比賽制度,讓運動績優生能獲得更好的學業教育以利他們在大學的學校適應;最後建議N大學能成立不分系系學會,或是輔以更多的基礎學科課程教學等方式幫助不分系運動績優生能更快了解自己的興趣以適應大學生活。
This study based on the life stories of seven elite student volleyball players in non-department. Analyzed the factors of studying in non-department as well as the adaptation of studies, training and interpersonal form the life stories. Participants in this study were seven elite student volleyball players. Through multiple-case study research, the analysis of relevant documents and semi structured interview to describe the college adaptation, as well as comparing the adaptation. The results showed that: first, high school environment was the key moment for elite student volleyball players to adapt to college life. Second, elite student volleyball players in this study who study in non-department because of considering to future employment. In the last, non-department had a positive help to elite student volleyball players. Suggested follow-up studies accord to elite student from different sports, different school system and different school as research subjects. As well as suggested school coachs, parents and players themselves to strengthen the basic discipline, and the government to improve the existing system of game. Finally suggested N university estabalish more counseling methods to help elite student to adapt the college life fastly.



運動績優生, 學校適應, 不分系, elite student, adaptation, non-department





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