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臺灣地處亞洲樞紐,非常適合低成本航空的發展,自2004年起,新加坡的捷星亞洲航空始航臺灣後,相信未來將會有更多競爭者加入此航空戰局。低成本航空 (Low Cost Carrier,簡稱LCC),又可被稱作廉價航空 (Budget Airlines)。和過去的全服務航空 (Full Service Carrier,簡稱FSC) 相較之下,為了大幅降低營運成本,將許多服務調整為加價添購的選項,以使用較優惠的票價來吸引旅客。臺灣目前有14家外籍低成本航空公司,分別由9間代理業者代理。本研究共訪談6間代理商來探討低成本航空代理業者在營運上的策略發展現況與未來趨勢。根據訪談結果顯示,代理業者由於不同航空品牌其合作合約條件與內容的不同,其外籍原公司對於代理業者之授權與操控程度會有所差異。低成本航空代理業者被評選方式則為兩大類,同業引薦以及使用公開招標。其被評選因子主要有財務狀況、公司背景和團隊等考量。而代理業者代理航空品牌後之效益最主要是開拓新的旅遊市場,來提升公司知名度。至於市場越趨飽和使得獲利縮減、天災人禍和跨國文化差異等,一直都會是代理業者面對的挑戰。不過,代理業者們努力拓展出創新的服務,甚至嘗試跨足開發其他產業。未來低成本航空代理商之發展將會繼續以其業界專業資源維護現有代理品牌的關係,以及爭取新興品牌的代理權。
Located in the very pivot center of Asia, Taiwan is a great place to develop low cost carriers. The first low cost carrier in Taiwan is the Jet Star from Singapore. Since 2004, it begins the route between Taipei and Singapore. Low cost carrier is also called budget airline. In order to reduce the operating cost, low cost carriers make most of their services chargeable. Up to present, there have been 14 foreign low cost carriers flying up in Taiwan’s air. There are 9 different sales agents holding those foreign brands separately. The study interviewed 6 local sales agents in order to realize the present and the future of this industry. According to this research, researcher found that the authorization from foreign low cost carriers to local sales agent is different due to the diversity of the contract between them. There are some elements which are very important for foreign low cost carriers to choose their local sales agents, such as financial status, background, and the efficiency. However, there are some challenges that local sales agents will have to conquer, such as the fierce competition of the industry, natural disaster, and the cultural shock. Nevertheless, local sales agents have to keep up their professional not only to make good relationship with those current partners but also grab the chance to get new brand in hand.
Located in the very pivot center of Asia, Taiwan is a great place to develop low cost carriers. The first low cost carrier in Taiwan is the Jet Star from Singapore. Since 2004, it begins the route between Taipei and Singapore. Low cost carrier is also called budget airline. In order to reduce the operating cost, low cost carriers make most of their services chargeable. Up to present, there have been 14 foreign low cost carriers flying up in Taiwan’s air. There are 9 different sales agents holding those foreign brands separately. The study interviewed 6 local sales agents in order to realize the present and the future of this industry. According to this research, researcher found that the authorization from foreign low cost carriers to local sales agent is different due to the diversity of the contract between them. There are some elements which are very important for foreign low cost carriers to choose their local sales agents, such as financial status, background, and the efficiency. However, there are some challenges that local sales agents will have to conquer, such as the fierce competition of the industry, natural disaster, and the cultural shock. Nevertheless, local sales agents have to keep up their professional not only to make good relationship with those current partners but also grab the chance to get new brand in hand.
低成本航空, 代理, Low Cost Carrier, Sales Agent