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觀察兩岸簽訂「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)後,於早期收穫清單計畫中國大陸對我國降稅包括農產品、石化產品、機械產品、紡織產品、運輸工具及其他產品等,假設ECFA的簽署與生效會正向影響企業績效、臺灣企業在中國大陸的經營績效、正向影響臺灣貿易正向影響外資來臺投資、負向影響臺灣向外投資與正向影響臺灣整體競爭力成長。本研究主要是探討簽訂ECFA後對臺灣於早期收穫清單之相關產業的影響,要如何透過ECFA讓臺灣產業與技術到中國大陸創造機會,以及ECFA實施後須開放中國大陸生產產品,給予關稅減讓進入臺灣市場。本研究主要用質化與量化方式,並基於深入訪談方式質化分析,與量化研究藉由臺灣經濟新報(Taiwan Economic Journal, TEJ)次級資料庫並以STATA統計套裝軟體作為分析工具,將對於蒐集資料進行敘述性分析和迴歸分析。最後研究成果希望ECFA簽定協議對臺灣企業與產業之影響與臺灣企業、產業與政府之因應。
To observe the establishment of ECFA between Taiwan and China through the early harvest program with the tariff reduction for products such as agricultural products, petrochemical products, machinery products, textile products, transport equipment and other products, benefited with challenges as well with the door open wider. China has become one of Taiwan's top trade partners, this study is analysis the impact of the ECFA through the products in the early harvest list on Taiwan’s businesses, industries as well as the macro environment based on qualitative and quantitative approaches including interviews and regression models with the data collected from Taiwan Economic Journal and other sources to explore the focal research agenda with the evidence-based findings to contribute to Taiwan businesses , industries and government. Using qualitative and quantitative methods in the study, based on in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis and quantitative research by the Taiwan Economic Journal (Taiwan Economic Journal, TEJ) secondary database and STATA statistical software packages as an analytical tool , that will be the collect data for descriptive analysis and regression analysis . Finally, the impact of research results and hope that the signing of ECFA Taiwan enterprises , industry and government response protocol for Taiwan enterprises and industries .



海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議, 自由貿易協定, 兩岸關係, 臺灣產業, 折衷理論, 體制理論, ECFA, Free Trade Agreement, Cross Strait Relations, Taiwan Industries, OLI Paradigm, Institutional Theory





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